We Are Here for You

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WARNING: Possible trigger warning, mentions of attempted suicide.

(HEY LOVELIES! How are you today? I hope well. Here is another wonderful request by the same one as the Unexpected Turn imagine, the lovely @sjacques15. So again, thank you for choosing me as your writer for your wonderful imagine. This one is a bit sad in the beginning, but it will get happier. I am sure some of you may need this imagine, so I will do my best to lift your spirits if you are down. I love you guys, hope you enjoy.)

You have been warned. If you do not want to read this, please move on.

Today just seemed to crash down. Come to think of it, life seemed to be like this for awhile. You seemed to never do anything right. You tried and tried, but the results were always failure. The more you fought, the harder it seemed to keep trying. You thought of yourself as a mistake..a mistake that was trying to be erased. You sighed heavily, trudging your way to school. You tried making friends, but you never fit in. People just didn't see you. You felt invisible. Everyday, your mood was worsen. You wanted to just vanish from the world, or you wished for just one helping hand. As the weeks went by, so did your attitude to keep trying. You never felt so alone in the world. The pain you felt inside was harder than anything you've ever felt before.

You didn't see the reason for being in this world. It was almost like you were born at the wrong time. You stopped trying to make friends, and you accepted that you were worthless. You tried your hardest, but it seemed like everything you did was wrong. You started walking with your head down, almost as if you didn't think you deserved a caring person.

It was too much...

You were at home, by yourself. Your parents were always gone, you were left with your thoughts. You just wanted someone to lean on, someone who took you with open arms. Silence, that damn silence always rang in your ears. You saw everyone smiling, everyone except you. You gripped your head with both hands and shook your head. The thoughts continued to get worse the more you let them consume you. You believed that you didn't deserve happiness, you had made a decision. You sat at the table, staring at the bottle of pills in front of you. Tears filled your eyes as you looked at the letter you had just finished writing. You wanted to find help, but it seemed like it didn't want to find you. You felt so tired, so drained from all the emotions you were going through. Your eyes drooped and you slowly laid your head down. You cried for a long time before you eventually fell asleep with tears staining your face.

You were in your house, sitting at the table. You looked around, the pills gone and the letter vanished. You sat there, staring at the empty table in confusion. You shook your head, wondering if you were dreaming. You wiped your eyes, your face feeling dry from all the tears. You sighed, running a hand through your hair before standing up. You walked to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were red and puffy, fresh tears running down your skin. You felt numb, numb all over. You knew you didn't deserve this, but you couldn't stop yourself. You suddenly felt angry, very angry. You were mad at yourself, at the world, at everyone. You frowned at the image of yourself in the mirror. You caught sight of the pill bottle in the corner of your eye. You turned, swiping off the bathtub counter.

"I hate you." You whispered into the mirror. Your hands shook like a leaf as you popped off the lid to the bottle. You hated what you saw, so you clenched your free hand into a fist. You brought your elbow back, looking straight into your own eyes. You gritted your teeth and snapped your fist towards the glass. You awaited the sweet sound of cracking glass and the sound of it crashing to the floor.

It never came...your fist never touched the mirror..

"Stop." Voices whispered beside you. You gasped and turned, bewildered at the sound of other people.

It was Mark and Jack..

Mark stood there, his hand wrapped gently around your wrist. He had tears in his eyes and he was shaking his head. His eyes were wide and alarmed. Your head turned towards Jack, which had one hand rested on your shoulder. His lips were turned into a frown, a tear running down his pale cheek. You stood there, trying to wrap your brain around this situation. They looked at each other, then back at you.

"Hush (Y/N) don't you cry.." Jack sang softly, pulling you gently away from the sink.

"Don't swallow those pills, don't say goodbye." Mark sang back, putting his hand over the pill bottle. You sniffled, feeling your grip loosen. You didn't know what was happening, but you didn't care at this point.

"Put down that bottle...don't pick up a knife." Jack chimed in, putting his arm around your shoulders. You were trembling harder, tears blurring your vision. Mark let go of your wrist, grabbing the bottle. You let him, your grasp letting go of the pills.

"I know it may be hard...but you'll win this fight." Mark finished, pulling you into a hug. You broke down, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jack hugged you as well, all three of you in a big group hug. You sobbed loudly, feeling someone rubbing your back. They pulled you to the kitchen, standing in front of you. Jack hugged you tightly, not letting go for a minute or two. He looked into your eyes, his face sad but hopeful.

"This pain your feeling, it won't last forever. It will go away, you just have to keep fighting. Please keep fighting. Your never alone, ever. You have me, and you have Mark. We will always be here for you, your not alone. Don't ever forget that." Jack whispered, hugging you one last time before stepping back. Mark smiled softly at you, hugging you gently. He wiped away your tears and looked at you.

"You're so strong (Y/N), don't ever think you aren't. You are strong, you are powerful, and you can do this. You can keep fighting. We will help you, and you will get through this. Please, keep believing. The pain can't and won't last forever. Short Steps, Deep Breaths. We believe in you (Y/N), it's time for you to believe in yourself." You hugged him one last time before they both kissed you on each cheek. You started to smile as they waved goodbye. You reached out to touch them, but you were spiraling into darkness.

Your head snapped up, your mind fuzzy. You looked around, seeing yourself sitting at the table. Your heart was pounding and your eyes were dry. You felt sad that Mark and Jack were gone, but you were able to smile as you took a deep breath. You looked at the pill bottle and note sitting in front of you. Smiling, you threw the pills away and ripped the note to pieces. You sat back down, smiling from ear to ear as you replayed your dream over and over again.

Mark and Jack were right, you can do this. You were strong, you were going to keep fighting.

(All of you are so strong, stronger than you think you are. Me, Mark, and Jack believe in every single one of you. We love you very much, and we will always be there for you. You have to believe in yourself, and always know your not alone. You have those two amazing guys that always care for you. Just remember that, and please keep fighting. Always keep fighting.)

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