Don't Go Part Four (Final)

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(A/N: Hello you lovely people! This will be the final chapter of this imagine, where Jack turns into a human again by the power of love. I'm so glad you guys really liked this. And I am thinking of making a Fanfiction book based off this once I get my Sketcher Jack story done. Enjoy lovelies!)

   You didn't know how to feel about the kiss. In all honesty it felt like kissing an ice cube. His lips were soft though, and slipped effortlessly over yours. You could feel tingles of electricity course through you, making you grip your hands tightly. His hand was placed on your cheek, causing goosebumps to break out on your skin.
   Your eyes were fluttered close as you concentrated on Jack's lips. You couldn't believe you were kissing a..a ghost! Of all things.. A ghost. Jack's kisses seemed urgent as he pulled you closer to him. You allowed him to, and shakingly reached your hand up. You slowly let your palm rest on his chest, feeling the torn fabric beneath your fingertips. You let your hand travel up his chilled neck, feeling the bumps and grooves. You let your hand rest upon his neck, waiting for a heartbeat that was never going to beat.
   Jack sighed in content against your lips, relishing in the warmth you were giving him. Your hand went to his hair, feeling the course strands and amazed at how you could run your fingers through it. He gently held you against him as you explored him. You could feel yourself needing to catch your breath, but Jack didn't even need to breath.
   You pulled away, taking deep breaths as you looked at him. He was grinning from ear to ear as he stared down at you. He reached up and touched his lips in wonder. You even noticed a flicker of red dusted on his cheeks. You giggled, shaking your head and looking around.
   "Who would've thought I would have fallen for a..ghost. I just met you, already your kissing me?" Jack chuckled and grinned sheepishly before stepping closer to you. He bit his bottom lip, his ocean blue eyes wide. You could see the desperation in his eyes. Years and years of solitude. No contact, no feelings, no emotion, Jack looked drained, but still shot you a smile. It took a lot of energy to stay solid in that amount of time.
"I wish I wasn't..invisible. I wish I could feel, I wish I could taste, I wish I could normal again. Kissing you It was different. It felt like I was on fire..but in a good way. I just..I feel like something when I'm with you. I know we've only known each other for a couple days, Lass. make me feel something." He muttered, looking at the floor.
You walked up to him, being able to see through him once again. You went to touch his shoulder, but you instantly went through him. You gasped and shuddered, still not being able to get used to that cold feeling. Jack sighed, not even bothered by the fact that your hand was currently through his shoulder.
   "Hey, it'll be okay. Your not alone anymore, right? You have me now. I may not be much but..I'm here." You whispered, walking away towards the kitchen after giving him a soft smile. You grabbed a glass of water, drinking it slowly. You suddenly heard his quiet breathing beside you, making you nearly spill your drink.
   You turned around, seeing him stare at you. You set your glass down, seeing his image flicker and shudder. He looked down at the water, a sigh heaving from his lips again. His fingers trailed up your arm, a few grunts coming from his as he concentrated again. His fingertips trembled as he gently went up your arm. You shivered, closing your eyes.
   "You have no idea how warm you are. How nice you feel. Your heartbeat it' beautiful." He pulled you close again, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged him back, smiling a little. He wrapped his arms around you, his smiling getting bigger.
   "May I k-kiss you again?" You were shocked to see a faint blush again on his cheeks. You blinked and nodded, smiling. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You felt the shock as your lips touched, but this time it was stronger. He felt so real to you now, so..human. Your lips moved in a slow and passionate sync. This kiss was was special. There was so many feelings felt inside of you, you didn't understand. Suddenly, his lips didn't feel so cold anymore.
   They felt warm..and alive. You locked your arms around his neck, gasping against his lips. His neck was warm...he was full of warmth. You snapped your eyes open, meeting his.
They so bright and an ocean.
   Jack's eyes widened and he pulled away, his mouth dropping open. He looked down at himself, his hands outstretched. His skin was no longer gray and lifeless. It was pale...but he was colorful now. His eyes were shining and full of light. His lips were red and plump. His hair was neon green and his clothes were bright with color. You gasped, seeing tears run down his face.
   "I-I...what..I.." He sobbed, putting his hand on his chest. He lunged towards you, gripping your hand and putting it under his shirt on his chest. You blushed, but you could feel his strong heartbeat..his heart was alive. He cried louder, dropping your hand and falling to his knees. You rushed to him, wrapping him up in your arms. He sobbed into your shoulder, holding you tightly. He pulled away, his eyes red and puffy. He smiled though, crashing his lips on yours.
"(Y/N)..I'm alive because of made my heart beat again. I love you (Y/N)...I love you."

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