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   You slowly walked down the empty hallway, your heart jumping to your throat. You could hear teachers and students discuss and chatter in their classrooms as you walked by. You tried to focus on the music blaring in your ears, but you were too nervous to notice. You hated the fact that you were the new kid, it wasn't fair.
    You took a deep breath as you stood in front of your first class. You turned the knob, your heart stopping as heads turned to look. You swallowed hard and walked inside, your footsteps the only thing being heard. You ignored the pairs of eyes steadied on you as you walked over to a man sitting at a desk. You were introduced and assigned a seat.
    "Enjoy your stay." Your teacher said, smiling warmly. He continued droning on about equations before he allowed free time. There was bubbling laughter and conversations floating in your ears as you stayed quiet and listened. Your eyes scanned the room, watching the different kids.
    You sighed, you didn't want to be here. Behind you, you could hear a pair of girls quietly whispering to each other about you. You looked down, your hair hiding your face. You turned on your music again, allowing
yourself to just relax. After a few minutes, someone tapped you on the shoulder.
   "Sorry to bother you but, I know your the new student here. Just wanted to say hi, you seemed lonely." His smooth voice rang in your ears, hearing the Irish accent. You couldn't move your tongue to form the words so you just nodded at him. His piercing blue eyes searched yours, making you look away.
    "I'm Sean, but my friends call me Jack." He smiled at you, making you smile back. He had dark gray and black hair that spiked in the front. Black earrings studded his ears, his arms covered in bracelets. He had on a gray sweatshirt and ripped jeans with converse.
    "Hello Sean...um..Jack." You said quietly, feeling your face turn red. You could also hear his music squawking out his earbuds. You remembered the song quickly, looking up at him again.
    "Chop Suey? System of a Down?" You asked, seeing his shocked expression as he nodded. He chuckled and showed you the song on his phone, showing you were correct. You could smell his light cologne on him, seeing his fingertips tap along to the rapid rythym on his desk. 
    "You have great taste in music." He stated, making you chuckle a little. You found out he was in a band, he was a drummer. You two seemed to hit it off as you spent the rest of the period talking to him. You felt something hit your head, startling you. Jack reached over and grabbed a wad of paper and held it out to you.
    "GOAL!" A guy shouted behind you two. A few people laughed at the prank, especially when several more, including pieces of erasers and pens, started hitting you. You scowled in their direction, only amusing them more.
    "Dudes, lay off her." Jack said sternly, looking back at you and then them. They laughed him off but did stop. He sat back down, chuckling and plucking a piece of eraser out of your hair.
    "Thanks for..um..standing up for me." He nodded, flashing his smile again. You couldn't help but take glances at his beautiful ocean blue eyes and ashy gray and black hair. He didn't seem to notice as time went by, you two continuing to talk.
    "No problem. I was glad to." Once the bell rang, the blush on your cheeks were gone and you could go outside. You were feeling better as you walked out the door, the day seemingly starting not all that bad. You were just about to walk to your locker when you heard someone rush up next to you.
"I think we might have to same class together again. Want someone to walk with?" Jack's voice startled you for a minute, but you nodded gladly. Your face warmed up again and you even noticed a bit of red on his pale face. You both smiled at each other, continuing your conversation on music and bands as you two reached your classroom.
Maybe this school won't be so bad after all...

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