Accident Part 3

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(I was requested to do a Part 3 and I would be very glad to do it! It's currently 5 am and I haven't slept yet so I have nothing better to do. So here is a surprise chapter! ENJOYYY!)

   You were awake nearly the whole night, the pain in your ribs and your pounding head didn't make it very much easier. Mark was there with you though, kissing the pounding aches and gently rubbing your stomach. Your eyes drooped with exhaustion, you just wanted to go home. Mark knew you didn't like hospitals in the first place, they scared you.
   "How are you feeling today (Y/N)?" Your doctor asked, walking into the room with a clipboard in his hands. You gulped hard, it felt like your body had been thrown in a blender. Mark held your hand gingerly, he treated you like you were made of glass. He was still laying with you, your head on his chest and his other hand gently rubbing up and down your back.
   "Everything still hurts." You answered in a hoarse voice, seeing Mark's frown in the corner of your eye. The doctor nodded and scribbled some things on his clipboard before calling a few nurses in. They helped unplug the IV and get everything ready for you to go back home.
   "We will give you some pain medicine that will help ease the pain. Hopefully it'll help you sleep more as well. You will have some aches and pains in your ribs and abdomen for a few weeks. Your concussion will last a few months, but do not be alarmed. It is only minor. You need a lot of rest and very few physical activities. Your free to go miss." After signing some papers and a warm smile, you were able to leave.
   You insisted on walking, but Mark saw the pain in your face when you tried to walk. Mark careful picked you up in his arms and set you in his car. You tried not to focus on the pain as you drove home. It was still early, around 6AM.  Mark quickly made his way over to our side and slipped his arms underneath you.
   "I'll take care of you baby, I got you." He reassured you when you grunted in pain from the movement. The light hurt your head and you started to tear up. You bit your lip, the pain was enough to make you start to cry. Mark saw this and hurried inside before setting you on the bed. You wiped at your eyes and looked at his tired face and messy blue hair.
   "You stayed with me..all night?" You asked, rubbing your aching temples. He smiled tiredly at you and nodded, his lips kissing your cheek. Last night was a blurred mess of pain and tears for you, it was a daze for you. Your heart was warmed at the thought of how much Mark cared for you. He helped you change into your pajamas, holding you close as you tried to slip the shirt over your head. That was an extremely painful task, eventually you just let Mark put the shirt on you.
   You groggily shoved your arms through the holes and tugged on your fuzzy pants. You sighed in relief, but the pain got worse from standing. You grabbed your head and groaned, the tears now falling at a rapid pace. Mark led you to the bed and laid you down before quickly getting a cold cloth and medicine.
   "I know it hurts baby I'm so sorry. I should've gone with you, I'm sorry." He said to you, watching you take the medicine. You touched his cheek and shook his head, softly kissing his lips. He sighed sadly and pulled you close, laying the cool cloth on your forehead. You breathed lightly, breathing was already hard and painful to do.
   "Let's get some sleep okay? You'll feel better, baby. If you need anything just yell in my ear, kick me, anything." You giggled, even though it hurt, and nodded. His fingers tips wiped away the tears and replaced them with his warm kisses. He peppered your face with kisses, making you smile and close your eyes.
   He held you close and took the cloth off so you could cuddle closer to him. The blankets were pulled over you two, the darkness calming your head and the medicine kicking in. You started to remember last night. Hours on end Mark was there holding you and calming your tears and kissing the pain away. He stayed awake just to make sure you were safe through the night.
   "I love much.." You whispered, gripping his shirt tightly. He sniffled, telling you he'd been crying in the dark for a few minutes. You kissed his neck, your hand running down his chest.
    "I thought I lost you..I can't lose you..your my whole world. My other half..I love you too." He whispered, his fingertips pressing into your arm slightly. He laid his hand on your stomach, gingerly rubbing it to ease the pain. You sighed sleepily, your muscles relaxing and your breathing slowing down.
   "That's right,baby just relax. Close your eyes and sleep baby. I'll be right here when you wake up." Mark said, his deep and smooth voice already making you fall into a slumber. To help, he sang into your ear quietly. You closed your eyes, focusing on his gentle touches and smooth voice as you fell into unconsciousness. You knew it was going to be a long night again, but you knew your Markimoo was right there to protect you.
You were going to be okay as long as he was by your side.

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