Such A Tease(Fluff) Part 2

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(WOOOO BUDDY. Is it hot in here or is just Mark!? It's Mark, always Mark. XD)

It was the next morning, and you were still irritated with Mark. You were currently sitting in the living room, drinking coffee and watching TV. You were planning on a way to get Mark back, and thought of one. You heard him shouting into his computer as he played another round of games for today. Making your way down the hall, you peeked into the door. You were careful to be silent as you watched him sit in his desk chair.
"YES, YES! COME ON!" He shouted, pressing the key boards quickly. You opened it s bit more, causing Mark to flicker his eyes at you. He smiled while you walked over and behind him. He continued playing while you leaned down and whispered into his ear.
"Can you record later, baby?" He shivered, but shook his head and kept playing. You smirked and ran your hand slowly down his chest. His fingers stopped pressing keys on the computer as your fingertips trailed down his abs.
" guess I could t-take a little break." He stuttered, shutting off his computer and turning around in his chair. You pulled him up and to the bed a few feet from him. You pushed him down on the bed, climbing on top. He smiled up at you and reached for your face. You grabbed his hands, and shook a finger at him.
Mark smirked and rolled his eyes at you, keeping his hands to his sides. You brushed your lips against his, pressing your body against him. You made sure to bat his hand away if they traveled up your shirt. He grumbled and leaned up to kiss you, wanting to touch you. You kissed him back, slowly moving your lips against his.
   "(Y/N) let me to-.." His voice trailed of when you started to grind against him. He took a sharp intake of breath and moaned quietly. You kept in control as you kissed down his neck and bit his collarbone out of frustration. He responded by gripping your hips and gasping. You were enjoying this too much to stop his hands from running up your shirt.
   Your lips sucked gently on a certain spot between his neck and his shoulder. He let out a breathy moan, almost causing you to lose being in control. His hands ran down your back, causing tingles to appear. You ran a hand through his red hair, tugging slightly on the locks. You grinded your hips harder against him while heating up the kiss.
   "(Y/N)." Mark moaned quietly, his hips bucking slightly. You watched his eyes close in pleasure, his teeth biting his bottom lip. Your hand slowly traced down his abs, causing his lips to part. He leaned his head back and moaned at the sensation of your hands against his skin. Just as you started tugging on the waistband of his boxers, you pulled away.
   He looked at you with bewilderment in his eyes. You chuckled and climbed off the bed, fixing your hair. He glared at you, sitting up and throwing his hands in the air.
   "Are you kidding me!? Are you seriously just going to st...oh son of a bitch!" Mark yelled, crossing his arms and grumbling. He remembered yesterday and sighed, reaching out towards you. You winked at him and walked out of the room, laughing at a now sexually frustrated Markimoo.
   "I told you! Two can play at this game!"
   "But...but..NO FAIR! You can't play me at my own game!
   "I just did!"

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