Kiss N' Tell

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   You and Mark were at a party, hanging out with friends. The party was in full swing and the music was blaring throughout the house. Ken and Cry were hanging by the food, seeing how much food they could fit in their mouth. Cry was struggling to keep his mask on his face as he stuffed his face. Felix and Marzia were on the dance floor, dancing close to each other and laughing. You, Mark, and Jack were hanging out by the couch.
   There had been alcohol..a lot of alcohol involved. You were slightly tipsy, but knew your limit since you were driving you two home. Mark hiccuped as he drank his fifth can of beer. You knew how lightweight he was, so it didn't take long for him to start stumbling everywhere. You giggled as he tried to dance with Felix. His red hair was flipping this way and that as he moved.
   "THIS MUSIC IS BANGING!" Mark shouted, moving his hips and running into Felix. Felix cussed him out in Sweden while busting out laughing. You sipped on your drink, watching him down another can. You shook your head, tonight was going to be fun.
   "That man is drunk off his ass, lass. HA! Ass lass..that rhymes." Jack yelled, even though he was standing right next to you. You cringed and giggled, seeing him trip over his own feet. He spilled his beer, watching it puddle on the floor. He looked horrified as he pointed at the can.
    He bit his lip before swiping yours out of your hand and taking a gulp of it. You looked at him, but he was already finished with your drink and ventured to get himself another one. Ken and Cry had managed to get on the dance floor and was currently doing the tango.
    Mark spotted you watching him and winked, sloshing his drink around. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him. He pushed through the crowd of people, interrupting the conversation you and your friend was having. She was stifling her laughter as he came bounding up. He wrapped a heavy arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek sloppily.
   "Hello there you sexy thing. What...what are doing?" He asked, chuckling for no reason. He leaned on you, almost making you fall. You giggled and held him up, setting his drink down. He pouted, making a grab for his drink. You slapped his hand away, scolding.
   "Well, before you rudely interrupted, my friend and I were talking about that guy over there. She's been trying to talk to him all night but sh-"
    "WHAT!?" He asked, causing your friend's face to turn bright red. She cleared her throat and looked over at the guy standing off with a group of others. Mark scoffed and called Jack over. Jack smiled widely and took a swig of his alcohol, his eyes looking off into the distance.
   "Now look here..whatever your name is. This is Jack, and he is amazing. Now Jack, this girl wants to smooch with that lovely lad over there. It's not that hard to just kiss someone, right!?"
   "That's right! Just go..just go up there and suck his face off!"
     "LOOK, ILL SHOW YOU!" Mark shouted. He turned towards Jack and crashed his lips on his. The kiss lasted for only a couple seconds before he pulled away. They both burst into giggles as the two of you stood there, shocked. Jack snorted and gulped down his drink, patting Mark's cheek before stumbling off into the crowd. Your friend left to go talk to the guy, trying to get away from Mark's shouts of encouragement. Mark blew a kiss at Jack, bursting out laughing.
   You were slightly jealous and a little mad about the fact that your boyfriends just kissed his best front of you. Soon, you decided to leave and go home. You sighed, dragging him to the car before driving home. He looked at you and hiccuped, rubbing his chin. When you returned home, you helped him up the stairs.
   "You're mad at me?" Mark asked, slurring his words. You nodded and told him to change his clothes while you got him water. He whined and complained as he stripped off his shirt, and struggled with his pants. Finally, he succeeded with getting into bed in his boxers. You returned with water and pills before changing.
   "Why?" Mark asked quietly, giggling. You shook your head and shot a look over at Mark. He covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. He fumbled for the covers and groaned when he couldn't pull them over his chest.
   "You kissed Jack. You only kiss me." You said, crossing your arms. His mouth formed a large "O" as he nodded quickly. He clambered out of bed and went over to you. He hugged you, chuckling.
   "I was just..I was just demonstrating on what to do. I love Jackiboy, but I love you more." He said slowly, looking into your eyes. You blushed as he connected his lips with yours. He tasted strongly of alcohol and quickly pushed him away. He pouted and kissed your neck. You giggled, trying to stay mad at him.
   "No more kissing random people. Your mine." You warned, pointing your finger at him. He looked at your finger before touching the tip of yours with his and yelling, "BOOP!" You gave us trying to argue with him as you guided him into bed. He rolled into bed, grumbling gibberish as he climbed in after him. He held you in his arms, trying to explain to you why he was King Of The Squirrels.
   "Shut up and sleep. I'm still mad at you." You said, turning over. You heard him whimper and soon felt his arms turn you over to face him. He kissed your nose, then your cheeks, then your lips, and then your forehead. He pulled you close and sighed.
   "Are you really mad at me? I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I didn't mean anything by kissing Jack." He said quietly, holding you against his chest. You sighed, smiling up at him. You nodded and kissed him back, turning off the lights.
   "I know. Your lucky I love you." He chuckled and kissed your lips before cuddling up to you.
   "I swear it didn't mean anything.."
    "I know Markimoo."
    "Plus..Jack is just my side hoe."

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