I'll Make You Happy Again

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This is another requested imagine. This one is a little sad but it gets happier in the end. This is an imagine about Daniel, and you all know what happened so I'm not going to be writing about that. This is where you are Daniel's sister and Mark's girlfriend. Mark is trying to cheer you up. I hope you guys enjoy!
Requested by: Ever8888 )

It was...so hard these days. It seemed like the hours would drag by and the world would get a little more darker around you. You knew you were trying as hard as you could to keep that smile going, but you saw no point in trying to keep it. You would stay in bed for hours on end, not eating or sleeping, just staring at the ceiling above you.
You were beginning to have nightmares every night, resulting in the dark bags under your eyes. No one made an attempt to try and help you, you didn't let them. The weeks that passed felt like months. That hole in your heart was growing bigger and bigger, and you had no ideas how to stop it.
That is until Mark came to visit. With him living in LA, and you living in (F/P), it made relationship time hard. After what happened to your brother, Daniel, he came over as soon as it happened. It took a week for him to come over, and he had no idea what he was in for when he saw you. You sat up in your bed, running a hand through your tangly hair.
Your bloodshot eyes felt dry and itchy, you cried until you physically couldn't cry anymore. You were trying to be strong, but everyday was a battle between you and yourself. You were checked on constantly by your mother, she was awfully worried about you.
Suddenly, you heard a door open, and your surprised mother call out.
"Oh my! Mark! Oh, how good it is to see you! (Y/N) will be SO glad to see you." Mark talked to your mother a few minutes, their voices lowering and hard to hear now. Footsteps stared leading towards your bedroom door. You wanted to jump up and run into your boyfriend's arms, but you had no strength left.
   So, you just sat up, mustering a smile as the door opened. Mark's smile dropped, but only for a second, before he smiled at you. His eyes scanned your face, a hint of sadness in them. Your mother left you two alone, closing the door behind her. He walked quietly over, sitting down on your bed next to you.
   "Babe.." Mark said, his voice sad and worried. You shook your head, gently gripping his hand. You forced a bigger smile but your face felt so foreign to it. Mark saw right through you, but knew better than to push you. He rubbed his thumb against your hand, searching your face again.
   "Please...get out of bed." He begged, pulling you towards the door. You pulled sharply back, sighing deeply and rubbing your face. You had no desire to get out of bed, no desire to do anything but try to sleep. Mark had tears in his eyes as he walked over and grabbed a brush from your desk.
   "I can't...I'm so tired.." You whispered, feeling your eyes prick with tears. Mark nodded and sat behind you, pulling you towards him. You didn't question him as he started to brush out the naughts in your hair. It felt good, calmed your aching head for a little bit. He took gentle strokes to your hair, whispering sweet words and kissing your head from time to time.
   Then, he got up and an idea struck him. He walked over to your stereo and turned it on. After clicking a few buttons, a slow song came on. He held out his hand for you, pleading with his eyes. You were going to say no but..you wanted to say yes.
  With a trembling hand, you took it and he pressed against you. You laid your head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. The music played softly, Mark singing in your ear. He spun you around multiple times and picked you up. You smiled at him, it was a nice smile.
   He softly kissed you, making new tears roll down your face. He wiped them away, giving you one last turn in his arms. You let out a weak giggle, making Mark beam with happiness. It was so long since you've laughed, you realized it felt good.
   "I won't leave you." Mark said, capturing your lips once again. You felt yourself start to smile. Not a fake one...but one that promised better days filled with sunshine and less days filled with thunderstorms. Mark was the light in your darkness, the one who saves you from drowning.
He was your hero...

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