Lucky Flannel

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(A/N: XD Hehe)

   You woke up early this morning, having trouble sleeping last night. You shrugged, getting out of bed and looking down at Mark. His face was buried in the pillow, the covers up to his shoulders. His soft snores filled the room, his fading blue hair sprawled around his face. His hand slid across the sheet, searching for yours.
   You giggled, watching him fall back asleep before turning around. You spotted his lucky red flannel and got an idea. You snatched it off the dresser, walking downstairs to the kitchen. You were in a cooking mood, so you began to cook. You slid on the flannel, buttoning up halfway and continuing to cook.
    Your hair was in a messy bun, stray strands in your face. His sleeves were rolled up to your elbow, the hem of the flannel covering your little shorts. You yawned, turning on the radio as you cooked. You jammed along to the music, flipping pancakes and pouring juice.
   You didn't notice Mark standing by the doorway, staring at you. A smile widened on his lips as he noticed his flannel on your body. He absolutely loved it when you wore his clothes, it made it that much obvious that you were his and he was yours. He chuckled and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
   "Have I told you how beautiful you look in my shirt?" He asked sweetly, kissing your temple and bringing you close. You giggled and turned around, handing him a plate of pancakes. He gasped, kissing you all over the face before sitting down and scarfing the pancakes down.
   After he was done, he continued watching you as you cleaned the dishes and put everything away. You noticed him staring at you, making you almost drop the gallon of milk. He took it from your hands, putting it in the fridge before closing it.
   "You should wear it more often." He said in a low voice, smiling at you. His adorable face made you blush, your hands tracing circles on his chest. He kissed your lips, making you distracted for a moment. He deepened the kiss, tugging at the hem of the flannel.
   "I bet you look even better with it off." His words in your ear made you gasp and start chuckling. He smiled brightly at you, nibbling your jawline. You gulped, taking a deep breath and giggling again.
   "I think...I'll let you suffer." You whisper teasingly, capturing his lips passionately before walking off and making sure he sees your hips away back and forth. He groaned, mockingly glaring at you before shaking his head.
   "Such a tease!" Mark said, chuckling and following you anyway.

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