66. Cave Ghost (9): Safety rope

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He disappeared into the water at once.

Several people on the shore stared nervously at the surface of the rapids. After a few seconds, Shan Chi emerged from the water.

The man's complexion is slightly darker, and his upper body is covered with not-so-exaggerated muscles. From the swing of his arms, it can be seen that the water flow is really fast. Even without weight, it is a little difficult to swim alone.

"Get ready, Shanchi is almost here."

The rest of the safety ropes were tied around the waists of several people. They had to bear the force and resistance of the water flow when crossing the river with heavy loads. To avoid waist strains, the leg loops of the safety belts must also be worn.

The speed of crossing the river alone was very fast. Yu Wenqing and Fatty only had to tie the knots on their bodies, and he had already swam to the other side.

The two girls kept flashlights on him, and they were relieved to see that he had landed.

In a river that is about ten meters wide, when one gallops up from the bank alone, there is no other serious problem except for a little heavy breathing.

With a flashlight in his mouth, he untied the climbing rope around his waist. Unlike the other side where they came out, there were many caves hidden by the stone road on the other side of the river.

When the light shines, there are various stalagmites of different shapes and sizes standing inside and outside the cave.

Shan Chi chose a stone pillar almost as thick as a person, wrapped the climbing rope in his hand several times and tied it firmly, and after finding a fixed point, he turned around and gestured to the people on the other side of the river.

When Yu Wenqing saw it, he immediately turned around and said to them: "Put all the clothes in the bag first, except for the girls. Everyone can take off what they can. It will be much better if you have less burden on your body."

Yu Wenqing took the lead and quickly took off his coat while speaking.

Like Shan Chi, all of them were still wearing a pair of bottoming short sleeves. Yu Wenqing and the fat man took off their shirts first. The two girls had a change of clothes in their bags, and the bags were not heavy, so they only took off their coats.

The fat man also took off his trousers, and only a pair of loose underpants were on his body. He put his bag on his back, and after hanging the single bag on the climbing rope with a metal buckle, he planned to cross the river second. up.

Yu Wenqing frowned, and told him behind him: "Be careful, if you really can't do it, don't worry about it, and make sure you are safe first."

The fat man waved his hand back to him: "I know, I know, it's tied with a rope, as long as the rope doesn't stop, it's fine!"

The ropes across both ends of the river have limited load-bearing capacity. For safety reasons, the remaining few people took turns to cross the river alone.

After the fat man passed safely, it was the turn of the two girls. The girls were wearing short sleeves and light trousers, and their shoes, socks, and coats were stuffed in their bags. Except for the slow speed, there were no other accidents along the way.

The masked man and Huai Jiao were last in line.

"Put the clothes in, I'll take Brother Lan's bag with me."

As soon as Yu Wenqing finished speaking, Lan, who was standing not far from Huaijiao, took off his coat in silence. Like Shan Chi, he only took off his shirt.

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