170. Screaming Carnival Night (24): Not too bad

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Weeks was just stunned for a second after being pushed away.

The line of sight seemed to be tied by something and firmly hooked.

Maybe he's been asleep for too long, a beautiful child he hasn't seen for a long time is too attractive, or maybe his mind has not really sobered up yet.

He did something extremely impulsive, something he would never do in his normal mind based on his identity and personality.

Or in front of countless people around.

Even the members of the circus, who have always been wild and exposed, and who have no shame, will stare in amazement-the rigid and conservative Weeks, the first thing after waking up from a serious injury is to kiss his little fiancée recklessly .

Even more subtle...

William, who was sitting in the nearest viewing booth at the scene, had a rare head that was a bit big.

He seemed to be vaguely aware of some indescribable and strange triangle relationship.

He is the only one who knows...

It happened among the three people who were having a strange confrontation in front of them.

Next to them, there are idiot circus members who don’t know the truth and are afraid of chaos in the world, lighting fires——

"Joker? You are really disappointing."

God? Is it possible that no one can understand joker's face? ? ? ! !

A certain great magician who always looks down on everyone with a condescending and joking expression.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, and the corners of his lips were straight.

Even if the exaggerated clown makeup covers it up, you can still see the extremely gloomy eyebrows underneath.


joker also asked a question.

He didn't look at the speaker, nor at Weeks, one of the protagonists, but just stared at Huai Jiao with lowered eyelids.

He looked stunned by the kiss, with his mouth slightly open.

The lip flesh was red, and the soft tongue hidden inside was wet and swollen.

Not only Joker, but also Weeks and even William next to him couldn't help but glance at him.

"Of course you're the one who spoiled the fun! We old Wicks finally got so impulsive, maybe it was our first kiss, hahaha!"

The people next to him dared to answer the words, and William rolled his Adam's apple, feeling as if he was the only one in the audience who was embarrassed.

It's not all embarrassment, the inexplicable sensation of scalp tingling is also mixed with chaotic emotions like heartbeat, excitement, itching, eagerness, restlessness and so on.

It was joker who reacted first, he briefly pulled the corner of his lower lip, and uttered some onomatopoeia, "First kiss?"

"Is that you? First kiss."

I don't know who you're asking, Weeks? Or Huai Jiao who was stared at by him.

"Of course! The cultist Weeks may have never even held a woman's hand. Of course, the romantic first kiss must be reserved for his wife! On the wedding night -"

The man imitated Weeks' usual rigid expression and said such words in a weird way.

William's heart was pounding, and he actually felt that what this idiot member said was absolutely right.

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