Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's shit. now that I've established that. You may read.

Betty POV:

In all honesty, the last few years of my life have been just so terrible. My mother and father are both people who have completely ruined my life. Ever since I was young, all I can remember of my mother is the way she yelled at me to do better. I remember her telling me to stop eating as much. All she ever did was tell me how I was in the wrong, doing something wrong or how I simply was never able to meet her 'reasonable' standards. And my father, he hurt me the most. All my life I believed that he was on my side. That he loved me and respected me. I should have known better than that. Anything relating back to the Cooper family is just a huge mess everyone should avoid. I'm extremely glad I left them behind.

Up until two years ago, everything changed. For the first time in my life I truly felt happy. I met this amazing guy, James Smith. Ever since I met him, he took my mind off of everything that constantly held me back from being happy. He was always there for me and never pushed me. He never forced me to be something that I wasn't. He accepted who I was and my extra baggage. Not to mention, his family treated me like I was their own.

His father, a kind man, let me live with him and his two sons. They gave me a safe place to stay and I truly couldn't have been more appreciative of them all. 

So, two years ago was the end of our two year relationship. We had been dating since we were 16 and it ended when we were 18. We broke up in the absolute most painful way, cheating. He cheated on me with some random girl on a boys night out. He told me straight away after he had done it, but the damage was already done and I ended our relationship there. I stayed at my best friends house that night, Reggie, and that eventually lead to me moving in with him.

I had never felt so much hurt and betrayal in my life. I trusted him with everything that made me feel like I couldn't be loved. I told him everything about me and my childhood. I let myself be open and vulnerable with him, something that is so incredibly hard for me.

That heartbreak and pain was two years ago now, and now my best friend is encouraging me to go on a date with some friend of his that I've never met. Which I'm lowkey offended about.

Reggie: It's been too long since you dated. He groaned as he laid on my bed.

On the other side of me laid his boyfriend Tyler. Interestingly enough, Tyler is James' older brother. Ever since I was introduced to Tyler, he has been the older brother I always wanted. And when everything went down between James and I, he took my side. Himself and James had such a close relationship, but after he found out that his brother cheated on me, that was the end of their relationship. At the end of the day, my relationship with James did help me grow as a person and I am happy I had him. The way we ended, it was a complete shock. What him and I had was truly special, until he had too many beers.

Betty: not like I was traumatised by my last relationship or anything. I said sarcastically.

I honestly am really scared to start dating again. I don't know how I'm supposed to trust a new person when everyone else that I have loved and trusted have disappointed me. I just can't go through all that pain again.

Tyler: you need to get out there again. You can't not try. He said as he gave me a soft look.
Betty: why not. I enjoy being single. I said.
Reggie: that's not true and deep down you know it. So that's why I ask you go out on this date. If you don't like him by the end of the night, I won't make you see him again. He said.

I let out a sigh as I thought about the date. I guess it couldn't hurt going on a date. I mean it'll only be a one time thing and it couldn't hurt to get out of the house. Lately I've been spending a lot of time at home. I don't know what I'm doing in life currently. But most people my age feel the same too.

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