Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"I'm going to get a drink, you want another beer?" Betty asked and I nodded my head as she walked up to the bar.

"So, when you going to ask my sister out?" Tyler, Betty's older brother asked me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Not anytime soon" I said as I looked to him and my brother Alex, who were sitting opposite Betty and I.

"Just do it, stop delaying the inevitable" Alex told me.

"She isn't interested in me" I said.

"As her brother, I'm telling you she's waiting for you to ask her out" Tyler said as he drank from his beer.

"And you're the most trust worthy person" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"When it comes to my sister I am. Plus, it's getting boring hearing Betty every night talk about you" he said making my cheeks blush red. They looked to me as they smirked.

"Are you one hundred percent sure she wants me to ask her out?" I asked him.

"Yes dude" Tyler said like it was obvious.

"That's going to make us like actually family" Alex said to Tyler.

"Cool" Tyler smirked. I chuckled at how easily entered they are.

"Okay, I'll ask her out later" I said.

If I was going to ask her out, I definitely wasn't going to do it in front of them. If she does say no I'd rather it not be in front of them.

"You better" Tyler said.

"Why am I taking advice from two single people?" I asked with a sigh.

"Because we can predict exactly what is about to happen next. She's going to come back and sit as close as possible to you. She's then going to hold your hand and rest her head on your shoulder" Alex started.

"Then when you need to use your right hand to take a drink, you'll stop holding her hand and she'll pout. You'll feel sorry and apologise to her and then hold her hand again. And the cycle will repeat" Tyler finished.

Before I could say anything, Betty came back with both of our drinks. She placed mine in front of me and then took a seat right to my side.

"Thanks Betts" I smiled as she slipped her hand into mine and rested her head on my shoulder.

She looked up to me and gave me a smile before she looked back to her brother and mine.

"What are you two smirking about?" Betty asked the boys.

"Oh nothing" Alex smiled cheekily.

"You two are weird" she chuckled at them and then looked up to me.

"Wanna get out of here soon?" I asked as I looked down at her. She nodded her head as we looked back to the boys.

As we all continued talking, I let go of Betty's hand to take a drink of my beer. Like clockwork, Betty looked up to me, giving me a pout. I instantly frowned.

"Sorry Betts" I said as I connected my hand with hers again. The boys looked at each other and smirked.

Betty and I finished our drinks and decided to head out. If we stayed at the Wyrm any longer, the two of them would ask Betty out for me.

We went back to my house and we went up to my room. She jumped onto my bed and looked to me, expecting me to do the same.

I sat next to her and she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled as I looked down at her.

"Hey I was wondering, do you want to get breakfast at Pops tomorrow?" I asked her.

"With the boys?" She asked.

"No, just us" I said nervously.

"Sounds fun" she smiled, her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink.

"Great, it's a date" I smiled.

"Date?" She blushed, the biggest and cutest smile on her face.

"Would you like that?" I asked her. She nodded her head as she pushed herself into my chest.

"You're really cute" I smiled into her shoulder.

"Sweets" she groaned into my shoulder.

"So so adorable" I said, her cheeks red as could be.

She pulled her head out of my shoulder and placed it so it was right in front of mine.

"You're so handsome" she said making me blush.

"Betts stop" I mumbled.

"No, cutie" she said as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked her. She nodded her head eagerly.

I caressed her cheek as I closed my eyes and leant in. I pressed my lips to hers and they moved against mine. We both had big smiles on our faces as we kissed.

We heard the sound of my door opening, causing us to both pull our lips apart. Standing at the door with a smirk was our brothers.

"Hello kids, what are you two up to?" Alex spoke with a smirk.

The two of them walked into my room and made themselves comfortable on my bed.

"Anything interesting we should know about?" Tyler asked with a big grin.

My dad, Fp, and Betty's dad Hal are out of town for another three days so unfortunately it's just the four of us. Which means they can annoy us as much as they want.

"Do they know?" Betty asked me confusedly.

"What don't they know?" I said making her chuckle.

"Since there are no adults around, we need to talk. Sex" Tyler started and both Betty and I's eyes widened.

"Tyler get out" Betty said in pure shock.

"Fine, but you and I are having some strong words tomorrow" Tyler said to me. Betty rolled her eyes.

"All I have to say to you is, I don't want him back" Alex told Betty, making her laugh.

"Hey" I smirked as I tickled her side.

"Sweets" she pouted so I stopped.

"Whipped" Alex smirked as he and Tyler left my room.

"They're annoying" she said as she rested her back against the headboard.

"Nah, they're fine" I smiled.

Those idiots gave me the courage to actually make a move on her. Sometimes they can be useful, but most of the time not.

"You have to be on my side" she said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm always on your side Princess" I smiled as I wrapped her up into a hug.

"Good" she smiled cockily. I chuckled as I kissed her head.

I am already so in love with her. She completely owns me and I bet she knows it.

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