Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Betty POV:

I sat inside the South Side high library. To call it a library is honestly a stretch.

They have maybe 100 books, but they're all damaged. I mean half of them don't even have the cover page and the rest have pages missing. It's atrocious.

I'm a North Sider, born and raised. The reason I'm here is because, well, it would look great on my university application.

My school, Riverdale High, runs a tutoring program for South Siders who have fallen really behind.

I originally didn't want to do it. They're South Siders, known for being criminals. So when Mr. Honey offered me the position, I said no straight away.

I mean I love to help people but I didn't exactly think my time here would be useful.

But when Mr. Honey told me how good it would look for university's, I swallowed my tongue and agreed to do it.

So here I sat, opposite the Serpents King.

It's like Mr. Honey wants me to die.

I've heard nothing but negative things about Sweet Pea, and he definitely doesn't like me.

We've had two study sessions together so far. He ignores me and talks to his friends the whole time.

It's incredibly uncomfortable for me and I wish I could just leave.

Betty: so what do you want help with? I asked Sweet Pea. He looked me up and down.
Sweet Pea: do you have a boyfriend? He asked.
Betty: that doesn't seem important. I said.

I have no idea why he's asking me that. I mean we have never spoken before and this is the first thing he has to say.

Sweet Pea: just answer my question blondie. He said.
Betty: I don't have a boyfriend. I told him.

I thought that it was probably best for my safety if I tell him. I don't really want to end up dead and my body be cut into millions of small cubes.

Sweet Pea: mh. We should go out. He said and my eyes widened.
Betty: no. I said out straight away.

I'm absolutely terrified of this guy. Being here, in a room filled with at least twenty other people, and I'm still scared for my life.

Sweet Pea: okay, fling. He said, like that was some great offer that I couldn't miss.

I'm bound to date a North Side guy, definitely not Sweet Pea.

Betty: no thank you. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay, friends with benefits. He said.
Betty: no thank you. I told him again.
Sweet Pea: what other ways are there to say I want to fuck you? My eyes widened.
Betty: what other ways are there to say I'm not interested? I said.
Sweet Pea: why are you denying me, you're obviously obsessed with me. Why else would you come here every week? He said.

This guy is a complete and total idiot. No wonder he's in this program.

Betty: I'm here for extra credit, and that alone. I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah sure, that's like saying I come to school because I want too. In reality, I'd end up in juvie if I didn't. He said.
Betty: I don't date South Siders. I said.

I could see I was clearly getting no where and I didn't want to waste anymore of my time.

I got my stuff and left. I went down the long hall's and unfortunately heard him call my name.

Sweet Pea: aren't you supposed to teach me? He said as he stood in front of me.
Betty: I teach people who want to learn. You clearly don't, nor have any respect for woman. I said, disgusted by the way he was treating me.

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