Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you're having or have had a great day today :)

Betty POV:

"Catch" Sweet Pea said as he took my phone off of the charger and threw it to me.

"I've told you to stop throwing my phone" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"That's boring" he said as I accepted the call I was getting and raised my phone to my ear.

"Elizabeth speaking" I said as Sweet Pea Pea took a seat by my side and went back to work on his computer.

"Hello Betty, it's Mr. Honey" he started and I tapped Sweet Pea's shoulder, earning his attention.

He turned to me, a confused look formed on his face as I moved my phone from my ear and put it on speaker.

"What has she done this time?" I asked him and Sweet Pea instantly caught on, our daughter was in trouble again.

"She's started another fight" he said and Sweet Pea shook his head.

"How long is she suspended for?" I asked as I let out a sigh.

"A week, but I'd like to talk more about this in person, with either you or Sweet Pea. In the meanwhile, I've sent her home" he said.

"Okay, I'll be there soon" I said as I rested my head on the back of my chair, eyes closed.

"Great, see you soon Betty" he said as I hung up.

I let out a huff as I dropped my phone onto our desk. She has the same horrible temper as Sweet Pea did. She has been getting in trouble every month, always ending up in detention or suspension.

"I can't believe she's gotten herself suspended again" he said angrily.

This is seriously a joke at this point. We're sick of having to constantly deal with her. She is always getting herself in trouble without thinking about the consequences.

"Sweet Pea, we can't keep dealing with this any longer. I don't know what to do with her anymore, whatever we do, she never stops" I said as I rested my elbows on the table and my head in my hands.

"I know, we'll sort something out. I promise" he said and I nodded my head.

I knew there was a way we could get through to her, but how, I have no clue. I was able to get through to Sweet Pea when he was her age, so I'll figure out a way to get through to her.

"I'll go to the school and then home" I said and he nodded his head.

"I'll meet you there" he said and I nodded my head.

"I love you" I said as I kissed his head and picked up my phone.

"I love you too" he said.

I walked downstairs through the bar and into the car park. I got into my car as I let out a small scream, I'm so tired of this shit.

I drove down to my old high school and remembered the last time I was here, last month. She spray painted the building, a whole list of profanities. When I asked her why she would do something so stupid, she said, and I quote "that school is my bitch, I own it" she said.

She thinks that just because she's our daughter, she can get away with anything she wants. She's entitled, reminds me of Cheryl blossom. A bitch from high school who thought she was better than the world. And now, she's alone, everyone left her. She doesn't have daddies money anymore, she's been put in her place.

Maybe that's what we need to do with her, take everything away, make her live like a normal, average person.

I walked through the halls and down to Mr. Honey's office where I was greeted by his secretary.

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