Betty x Sweet Pea

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this story has no point, but enjoy lol

Sweet Pea POV:

Sweet Pea: I just don't get it. I said annoyedly as I cracked open a beer and sat next to my best friend on the catch.
Fangs: go and talk to her. He said like it was obvious.
Sweet Pea: I've been texting her all week and she hasn't replied back once. I said as I turned to face him.
Fangs: well I don't know, go to her house. He said. I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
Sweet Pea: I really don't think she's going to appreciate me going to her house when her mum don't know about her and I. I said to him.
Fangs: well do something because I can't bare to hear you complaining any longer. He said.

I sat there for a moment, deciding on what to do.

I mean it's been a week and we haven't had any form of contact at all, I am really worried about her.

I let out a sigh as I got up. I'm going to see Betty.

Sweet Pea: I'm going to see her. I said and he nodded his head.

I was about to walk out the door when I turned to face him.

Sweet Pea: can you come? I asked.

I didn't want to go there alone.

Fangs: she doesn't even know who I am, which is really fucking rude since I'm your best friend and all. He said.
Sweet Pea: well today you get to meet her. I said.
Fangs: I hope her mum kills you. He mumbled as he got up.

We walked down to my truck and we began driving down to her house.

We stopped at a light and I looked over to Fangs who was on his phone, scrolling through tinder.

Sweet Pea: really, now? I asked him as the light changed to green.
Fangs: just because your relationship is failing doesn't mean my love life should. He said as he went back to swiping. I rolled my eyes.

Why do I even consider him as my best friend?

We arrived at Betty's house and we both analysed the area.

Fangs: everything is so, nice. He said as he looked from one side of Betty's house to the other.
Sweet Pea: yeah, like everything is intact. I said and he nodded his head.

Fangs and I grew up on the poor side of town. We grew up with parents who struggled to keep a roof over our head's and food on the table. Until they inevitably left us, just like all the other South Side parents do. It's safe to say we're not use to this luxurious way of living.

Fangs decided to come with me and we stood in front of her door step.

Sweet Pea: what if this is a bad idea? I asked him and he rolled his eyes.
Fangs: we're already here, might as well do it. Plus, they probably have camera's and are watching us as we speak.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised.

I finally knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. I saw that the lights were on so I knew someone was definitely home.

After a minute of waiting, an older looking woman opened the door.

She was wearing glasses and had blonde shoulder length hair. I'm assuming this is Betty's mum.

I was about to speak up but she bet me to it.

Alice: I'm guessing that one or both of you are dating Betty. She said as she scanned Fangs and I up and down.

This lady does definitely not like us. Not one bit.

Sweet Pea: yeah, I am. I said.
Alice: Betty. She called out.

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