Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you're doing well ❤️

Sweet Pea POV:

"Hey, I'm not going to come over tonight. Sorry Pea" my girlfriend Betty had messaged me.

"How come Bubba? I miss you" I sent back.

I've been busy with trying to run a gang that is constantly the target of another one in town. Betty has been busy too, studying for a hectic month of tests and what not. So our time together has been very limited. It's started to quieten down so we planned to hang out at mine tonight.

"I'm just really tired and want to eat and go to sleep" she sent.

I gave my phone a small frown, I was really looking forward to seeing her. It sucks only being able to talk through phone calls or text. I miss having her in my arms, hearing about her day and all of the side tangents she goes on. I also miss seeing her in my clothes, especially my Serpents jacket. It drives me absolutely insane how hot but so cute she looks.

"Fine, get some rest my love. Maybe tomorrow?" I texted her.

I mean she's been under a lot of stress lately, I can't really blame her for being tired and wanting to relax. Although it does really suck.

"Yeah, maybe. Night Pea, talk to you tomorrow <3" she messaged back.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where my dad was cooking dinner and my older brother was sitting at the table, playing his switch.

"What time is Betty coming over?" my dad asked me.

He genuinely loves Betty more than myself and Alex, his two kids. I think he just likes her because she's much nicer than Alex and I. She's also much more helpful. Okay, she's realistically a lot better than us. She's perfect.

"She's not anymore" I said to him.

He dropped the wooden spoon into the pan and he turned around to face me. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" He asked with disappointment.

"Yeah, why not? I want her to do the boring stuff on my game" he said making me chuckle.

"She said she was tired and wanted to rest" I said as I took a seat on the kitchen bench.

"She's tired?" My dad asked skeptically.

"Yes?" I said confusedly.

"How did she say it? Because I doubt she's just tired" Alex told me.

"You do realise she's been working her ass off this month. Of course she's tired, probably burnt out" I said.

"Okay, but how did she tell you she was tired?" My brother asked.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my phone, wanting to put an end to this debate. How is this even a debate? My girlfriend is tired, end of story.

"I'm just really tired" I started but my dad interrupted me.

"She said just, and that's never a good sign" he said and Alex nodded his head.

"Hold on a minute, you're divorced" I said to my dad.

"And your only relationship lasted two months" I said to my brother.

"I've watched so many movies that I know signs like this. But back to the point. She said the word just, which means there's something else going on" Alex said and I rolled my eyes.

"Betty is fine" I said.

"Fine, don't go and check in on your girlfriend. Break up and date some pathological liar or robber" he said.

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