Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Enjoy x

Betty POV:

Veronica and I were sitting on her bed as we ate ice-cream and had the Office running in the background.

"How you holding up?" She asked softly as she turned to face me.

"I feel like every five minutes I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I'm trying so hard not to cry" I said as now again, tears formed in my eyes and this time rolled down my face.

"Betts" she sighed as she moved our bowls.

She wrapped her arms around me and let out a sigh. She rested her head on my shoulder as I spoke up.

"I don't want to feel like this" I sobbed out as I could no longer even try to hold back my tears. She held me tighter.

"It's because you love the loser. Love isn't easy babe, we both know that" she said.

"I never did anything wrong to him" I said to her and she nodded her head.

"Of course you didn't. You were nothing but a good girlfriend to him. You've gone above and beyond actually" she said and I wiped my eyes as more tears replaced it.

"Then why does he have to treat me like I'm shit?" I asked her.

"He didn't have a mum to teach him anything, of course he doesn't know right from wrong" she said and my jaw dropped.

"You're terrible" I chuckled out and she smiled.

"Tell me something I don't know" she said making the two of us chuckle.

"Now" she started as she unwrapped her arms from around me.

She raised her hands to each side of my face and wiped away my tears.

"You have five minutes until you're going to cry again about him, so eat ice-cream. Unless you want to egg his trailer or something?" She asked excitedly.

"Remember when we egged that ladies house because she was flirting with your dad? We got caught before we even finished the carton" I said making us laugh about the memory.

"But it was all worth it because Kevin got poison ivy" she smirked making us laugh.

"I love you guys" I smiled as I looked to her.

"We love you too" she smiled.

"I'm in need of more alcohol, so I shall get it" she said as she got up and walked out of the room. I chuckled as I finished the last bit of my ice-cream.

I placed the bowl on the bed side table as I picked up one of the pillows and wrapped it into my arms, holding it tight.

Veronica walked back into the room with a full bottle of her dads rum. I chuckled as I shook my head playfully.

"You're going to be in trouble in the morning" I warned her with a smirk.

"I'll be too drunk to remember his boring lectures" she chuckled out.

"I hope you're not talking about my boring lectures" we both suddenly heard the deep voice of her father, Hiram.

"Never dad" she smiled as she tried to hide the bottle behind her back.

"Come on honey, you've lied better in the past, you're losing your game" he said as he walked up to her and took the bottle out of her hands.

"Betty, let me offer you a deal. Every time you tell me she's drinking alcohol, I'll transfer one million dollars into your bank account" he said and my eyes widened.

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