Betty x Sweet Pea

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Prepare for smut 💀

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I had just had an amazing evening together and we were now laying in bed together.

I layed on top of his clothed body and leaned up so my lips met with his.

He wrapped his arm over my back and began kissing softly at my inexperienced lips.

We kissed for another five minutes when I detached my lips from his.

This was leading to sex and I had never done it before. I was nervous.

Sweet Pea: is everything okay? He asked confusedly. I bit my lip.
Betty: I- I've never done this Pea. I said. He let out a sigh of relief.
Sweet Pea: Princess it's okay, we'll take it slow. He said.
Sweet Pea: we can do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. He said, caressing my face.
Betty: thank you Pea. I smiled.

He picked me up gently and sat me next to him.

He began taking off his boxers and I saw his cock, he was really big which made me even more nervous.

He threw his boxers to the side and took his cock in his hand, stroking it up and down.

I moved closer to him and replaced his hand, stroking up and down his shaft. He flung his head back and let out a groan.

Sweet Pea: baby that feels so good. He said as he pushed the hair away from my neck and placed a soft kiss that made me shiver.

I slowly leaned down and wrapped my mouth around his length.

I went down on his cock as I looked up at him. He held my hair to the side.

Sweet Pea: you're doing so well Betty. He said.

I kept going up and down his length, trying to take as much of him as possible.

He guided me up and down his cock.

I took him all in my mouth and chocked every now and than, although I'm pretty sure Sweet Pea loved it.

I kept working his cock until he had came in my mouth.

I swallowed it all and he looked down proudly at me.

I began taking off my shirt, bra, skirt and panties.

Sweet Pea: you look beautiful. He said as he kissed my lips.
Sweet Pea: lay on your back.

As he said that, I followed his words and layed down beside him.

He hovered over me, his hands on either side of me to hold himself up.

He leaned down and latched his mouth around my nipple. I let out a loud moan as he looked up at me with a smirk.

Sweet Pea: do you like that Betts? He asked. I bit my lip and nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: good. He said softly as he went back to licking at my nipples.

He removed one of his hands that was holding himself up as he slowly ran it down my body and to my throbbing core.

He moved his mouth to the other nipple. It felt so good.

As he worshipped my breasts, his hand gently rubbed over my clit.

Betty: Pea. I moaned out.
Sweet Pea: just breath Betts. He said calmly as he continued running his fingers through my clit.

He eventually kneeled up and hooked my legs over his shoulders. He pulled me closer to him and leaned down over my pussy.

He licked over my core and I instantly moaned.

He ran his tongue up and down through my wet folds. He was making me feel so much better than I ever thought was possible.

His tongue circled over my clit and sometimes licking over my thighs.

Betty: Sweets. I said in a needy tone.

I felt myself needing to release.

Sweet Pea: it's okay baby, you can cum. He said.

He furiously began lapping his tongue over me, moments later I was cumming into his mouth.

Sweet Pea: Betty be honest, are you ready for us to fuck? He asked and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: I'll be really slow. It'll hurt a little but the pain will go away soon. He said.

He held his length in his hand as he lined it up with my entrance.

He pushed himself in a little and I started feeling uncomfortable, he could obviously see it on my face.

Sweet Pea: if you ever want to stop, tell me okay? He said and I nodded. 
Sweet Pea: for now, focus on my lips. He said.

He attached his lips to mine as he began entering me very slowly.

Feeling his lips seemed to be helping and by the end I didn't need his lips distracting me.

He was going into me faster now and I felt myself needing to cum again.

He kept going all the way in and all the way out.

Betty: Sweets, I need to cum. I said.
Sweet Pea: hold on for a little longer. He said.

I let out multiple moans into his mouth, trying not to release.

Sweet Pea: let go bub. He said and I released onto his cock.

He kept thrusting into me, holding onto my breasts, stilling them from moving.

Sweet Pea: I'm really close and am going to cum in your mouth. He said and I nodded my head.

After a few more thrusts, he pulled out and moved to my side.

He stroked his cock until his warm, white cum landed on my face and in my mouth.

I swallowed what was in my mouth and he helped guide the rest into my mouth.

Once we had gotten cleaned up, he tucked me into his bed and softly kissed my lips.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He said as he held me tight.
Betty: I love you too.


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