Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying on the couch watching something on Netflix when I heard a knock on my door.

I sluggishly pulled myself up from the couch and walked to the door. I unlocked the door, revealing my friend and ex, Sweet Pea.

I looked up to him as concern filled my face. He looked like he was in shock. His face was pale and he looked so anxious.

"I'm sorry for coming and you can tell me to leave" he started but I shook my head.

"Sweets come in" I told him. He nodded his head as he walked inside.

I closed the door behind him and followed him into the lounge. We took a seat and I looked to him with concern. I've never seen him like this before. There really must be something wrong if he's worried.

"What's happened?" I asked him softly.

"It's bad. Fangs and I really fucked up Betts" he stuttered out.

"I'm sure whatever you guys have done, you'll be able to fix it" I said and he quickly shook his head.

"We can't" he said and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"We killed Tallboy" he said which caused a slightly shocked look to form on my face.

Tallboy was a very high up person in the Serpents when Sweet Pea and I were dating. The Serpents also have a rule about not hurting one another.

I'm also very surprised by the way he's reacting to killing someone. He always seemed to be the type of person who didn't care, like it wouldn't effect him.

"I doubt you or Fangs would have killed him for the fun of it Pea. You had a reason" I said, trying to get him to see that he isn't as horrible of a person as he may think he is.

"He knew secrets that Jughead needed. He left us in charge of him at some bunker. There was a gun on the table and while Fangs and I weren't looking he reached for it. Fangs and I both instinctively pulled out our guns and shot him. We tried everything to stop him from bleeding out but we couldn't. We killed him" he said with so much distraught in his voice. He couldn't even look at me.

"Sweet Pea, he would have killed you both. You and Fangs did what you had to, to protect yourselves. I would much rather he's dead than you or Fangs" I told him softly as I rubbed my hand over his arm.

"We killed someone" he said again.

"When?" I asked him.

"Earlier in the day" he said and I nodded my head.

"Pea you're in shock. You just need to try and see it from a rational point of view. He already betrayed the Serpents and isn't someone who would help another person out if there isn't any gain for him. I'm sure Jughead was going to kill him anyway. You just sped up the inevitable. Sweet Pea, you and Fangs did nothing but protect yourselves" I told him.

He remained silent as I continued rubbing my hand over his arm to offer him some comfort. Poor boy. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders right now.

"Sweets stay here tonight, okay?" I told him.

"I don't want to get in the way of you and" he started but I shook my head.

I could tell he was going to mention my boyfriend, Jamie, but I knew he would be understanding of the situation.

A couple months ago he told me his ex was going through some really personal things and that she needed him. At first I was a little concerned about them spending time together but I thought to myself if I can't trust him with his ex, why are we even dating? I put all my trust into him and I know he'll do the exact same with me.

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