Betty x Sweet Pea

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I haven't done any other ships besides Swetty for a very long time 💀😂

Betty POV:

I found myself at the Whyte Wyrm where I planned to get black out drunk and fuck the first guy I find.

What led me to this mindset you may ask. Well, my boyfriend of three years has been cheating on me.

I had suspicions for awhile now that maybe he wasn't happy with me any longer and maybe, just maybe he was cheating on me but I never fully believed it. I thought I was just being over dramatic. How wrong I was.

I found out through some girl I had never heard of before. She sent me a message on Instagram saying that she had slept with Archie but only afterwards found out that he was in a relationship. She was truly sorry, although I couldn't blame anything on her. She didn't know of me and Archie is the true pig.

I took a seat at the bar and a lady began to approach me. That was before Sweet Pea told her he had it.

He walked over to me with a smirk as I raised an eyebrow.

Sweet Pea is the king of the Serpents and owner of this bar. Each of those things are very illegal, but there isn't any form of police or justice system in this town.

Sweet Pea: never thought I'd see the day you come here Princess. He smirked.

Sweet Pea likes me and has made it very clear.

Whenever he passes Archie and I in the halls he'll say things such as 'are we still on for tonight babe?' or other phrases similar to that. He knew it would annoy Archie but also get his point across.

Sweet Pea and I have quite a few mutual friends so we're definitely not strangers.

Sweet Pea: what can I do for you? He asked.
Betty: get me drunk until someone takes me back to there's. I said. He gave me a soft smile.
Sweet Pea: how about I give you one drink and then I fuck you until you're begging to stop. He said jokingly.
Betty: I'm up for it. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: really? He asked in shock. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: well fuck yeah. He said making me laugh.

He made me a vodka soda and was excitedly waiting for me to finish.

As soon as I did, he came out from behind the bar and grabbed onto my hand, pulling me up to his apartment.

I chuckled as we got up to his apartment and he locked the door behind us.

Sweet Pea: go to my room and be naked. He said as he pointed me in the direction of his room.

I nodded my head as I went into his room.

I threw my clothes onto his floor as I watched him walk in with a glass of water, placing it on one of the bed side tables.

Sweet Pea: you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. He smirked.

He pushed me down onto the bed and began kissing from my neck, down to my core.


We had gone for five or six rounds and my body was absolutely spent. I was breathing heavily as the rest of my body laid still, unable to move.

Sweet Pea: drink some water. He told me rather than suggested.

I reached for the glass of water and practically drank it all. I placed the glass back down and my head flopped back down onto the pillow.

He chuckled as he kissed my forehead and laid on his side.

Sweet Pea: you're so beautiful Princess. He said, looking at my naked body.

Out of embarrassment, I went to pull the covers over me but he pushed my hand away from them.

Sweet Pea: you're seriously not trying to hide from me now are you? He chuckled. I blushed.
Betty: Sweet Pea. I whined. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: bubs only half an hour ago you were moaning every time I called you my good girl. Now you- He started but I stopped him.
Betty: oh my god stop. I said as I hid my head in his pillow.
Sweet Pea: so perfect. He said, finally letting me hide my body under the blankets.

I pulled the blankets up so that only my collarbone and above was showing.

I looked into his eyes and saw the dreamy way he looked at me.

I smiled as I leaned in and placed a soft kiss against his lips. I went to pull away but he held onto my hips and pulled me on top of his chest.

Sweet Pea: by the way, I now consider us dating. He said making me chuckle as I nodded my head.

I do like him, I truly do.

Sweet Pea: are you still with bitch boy? He asked. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: and you had the guts to sleep with me? Hot. He said making me laugh.
Betty: I'm just doing what he does. I said. He raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: is he cheating on you? He asked seriously.
Betty: has been for awhile. I said.
Sweet Pea: why haven't you said anything Princess? Or better yet, why haven't you broken up with him? He asked me as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Betty: things are very complicated Pea. I said as I bit my inner lip.
Sweet Pea: tell me angel. He whispered softly as he held my chin so that I was facing towards him.
Betty: if I break up with him, I have no where to live. I said as I looked into his eyes.
Sweet Pea: what? What about with your mum? He asked.
Betty: she kicked me out as soon as I turned 18. I told him. He gave me a sorry look.
Sweet Pea: baby, why have you never said anything? He asked as he wrapped his arms around me and held me to his chest.

I rested my head on his upper chest and nuzzled the top of my head into his neck.

Betty: it's not the easiest thing to talk about. Plus you and I weren't really close until today. I said and I could feel his frown against my head.
Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry Princess. He said as he kissed my head.
Betty: nothing you can do about it. I said softly.
Sweet Pea: I mean, there will always be the offer for you to move in with me. And I promise I won't be a dick and say the rules are that you have to sleep with me or be my slave. He said making me giggle into his chest.
Sweet Pea: but if you want to move in with me, I'd be really happy with that. I lifted up my head and looked into his beautiful brown eyes.
Betty: you don't have to-
Sweet Pea: Betts I really don't want you anywhere near him and you obviously don't want to live there. Think about it at least. He said as he held onto my chin and nodded my head for me. I chuckled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.
Betty: thank you Sweet Pea. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: is that a yes? He grinned.
Betty: maybe. I teased, making him chuckle.

He held me tighter to his chest and I smiled by his act.

Betty: your turn, tell me something you haven't told anyone. I said.
Sweet Pea: how deep should I get? He chuckled.
Betty: whatever you feel comfortable with. I said as I ran my hand along his side.
Sweet Pea: I'm scared I'll turn out to be an alcoholic asshole like my father. He said and I gave him a sympathetic smile.
Betty: if it helps, I already think you're truly one of the sweetest guys I know. I told him. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: Betty you do realise I gave you alcohol and then I fucked you repeatedly. I shook my head.
Betty: you view everything in a negative way. The way I see it is, you gave me one drink compared to the dozen I was planning on having. And, fucked me instead of letting me go with some pedo stranger. I said. He shrugged his shoulders.
Betty: you're a much better person than you think you are. I said.
Sweet Pea: you're just too good of a person. He said.
Betty: bubs you're too hard on yourself. You won't turn out like your father, I know it. I told him.
Sweet Pea: promise? He asked as he bit his inner lip.
Betty: I promise. I said, kissing his lips.

I hope you enjoyed x

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