Betty x Sweet Pea

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don't ask me why many of my stories have been where Betty lives with Sweet Pea and his family 😂

Betty POV:

I was sitting in Sweet Pea and I's room as I had my AirPods connected to the tv, trying to watch Pride and the Prejudice. In my lap was my computer and on the right of me was the Pride and Prejudice novel.

I've run into a little bit of a problem. I have an important test in two weeks, but, I haven't even read half of the novel.

But currently, I have a practice essay I need to write. I know absolutely nothing so this is my alternative, watch the movie and hope for the best.

I was barely half way through the movie and my stress levels were already through the roof. I know it's my fault for not studying but hey, how can you blame me? Studying a boring book obviously doesn't interest me.

I was trying to get through the movie but Sweet Pea was in a very playful, happy mood. He wanted to mess around and hang out, although I made it clear that I didn't have the time.

He had been annoying me for five minutes when I completely snapped at him.

Betty: god you're such an insufferable jerk! I yelled at him and picked up my stuff.

I walked into James room, Sweet Pea's brother, as he is the only one with a lock on his door.

I slammed the door behind me and locked it.

Betty: can I study here? I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded his head.

I went to his desk on the left side of the room as he turned to face me from his gaming desk.

James: what's wrong Betty? He asked softly.
Betty: your brother is getting on every single one of my nerves. I said angrily as I faced him.
James: sounds like him. He smirked.

If I wasn't in such a terrible mood I would have chuckled.

James: seriously, what's up? He asked. I sighed as I thought about school.

This is my last year of high school. It's the second week and the work is already piling up. I seriously don't know how I'm going to be able to do this.

Betty: I'm so overwhelmed with school and I feel like I'm already falling behind and I was trying to study but Sweet Pea kept distracting me when he knew I really needed to study. I feel like I can't do this. I blurted out how I was feeling.

I rested my head on the desk as I closed my eyes.

I heard as he stood up and walked over to me.

James: Betty of course you can do this, I mean hey, I did. He chuckled softly.
Betty: what if I can't? I said, my head still resting on his desk.
James: you felt the same way last year, yet you did it and you did amazingly. It's normal to feel like this. He said softly as he rubbed my back.
James: you're going to be okay. He said.
Betty: thank you. I whispered as I sat up and embraced him in a hug.
James: you're welcome. He said.
Betty: I should apologise to Pea, I was such a bitch. I groaned.
James: do it after you've done your work, let both of you cool down. He said and I nodded my head.

James went back to his desk and began setting up for a late night stream.

He's a minecraft streamer with over 10 million subscribers. Sometimes I stream with him. He tries to teach me how to play, I complain the whole time and his fans love it.

One time I burnt down his house by accident.

But anyway, as he streamed, I was watching the movie on my phone and writing the essay.


It reached twenty minutes before twelve am and I had finally finished and submitted the essay.

Betty: I'm going to bed. I said to James.
James: night Betts. He said with a soft smile as he faced his computer.

He was probably going to stream until at least six am.

I walked into Sweet Pea and I's room and quietly got changed.

I put on a pair of pyjama shorts and one of his shirts.

I got into bed and closed my eyes.

Sweet Pea: do you want to talk about earlier now, or in the morning? He said in the softest way.

Tears instantly formed in my eyes as I turned to face him.

This sweet boy was the guy I was an absolute jerk to. He didn't deserve that. I'm such a horrible person.

Sweet Pea: angel hey. He whispered softly with concern as he sat up and turned on the lamp light.

He wrapped his arms around me and sat me up next to him. He then pulled me into his lap, holding me tight.

Betty: I'm so sorry Sweet Pea. I said as I cried into his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: baby, it's okay. I was being annoying anyway. He said.
Betty: no I was such a jerk. You're always so good to me and then I just go and be an asshole. I said as he raised his hand to my chin and lifted it so that I was looking into his eyes.
Sweet Pea: babe, I would mention all the times I've been annoying but then you'd reconsider this relationship. He said making a small smile form on my face.
Sweet Pea: that's my favourite smile. He smiled widely.
Betty: I really am sorry Sweet Pea. I said.

He smiled as he kissed my temple and all over my face for the next minute.

Sweet Pea: bubs I love you more than anything. He said as he rested his head on my shoulder.
Betty: I'm so lucky to have you PeaPod. I said as I ran my hand through his hair.
Sweet Pea: realistically, I'm the lucky one. He said.
Betty: how? I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: sweet North Sider gives the big bad Serpent, one who will one day be the Serpents King, a chance. Unheard of. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: honestly, you're quite weird for dating me. What a weirdo. He said and my jaw dropped
Betty: yeah, what was I thinking dating you? I said. His jaw dropped this time.
Sweet Pea: no matter what, I'm so glad for how everything has turned out. You're always going to be such an important part of my life. He said with a smile, looking into my eyes. I kissed his forehead.
Betty: I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I told him.
Sweet Pea: I want that too Princess.

I smiled as I held him as tight as I could.

Sweet Pea: damn you're strong. He said making me laugh.

We soon eventually laid down and I wrapped his arm around me.

Sweet Pea: I love you beautiful, never forget that. He whispered and then kissed my ear.
Betty: I love you too bubba.

I hope you enjoyed xx

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