Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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Everybody's favs are back

Betty POV:

"I think I want to go home" I mumbled at the two boys as I stood up, picking up my phone from the coffee table.

"No, Betts stay" Sweet Pea said as Fangs wrapped me into his arms, stopping me from leaving.

"You guys don't believe me when I say I don't like Reggie and it's really annoying. He's my best friend and that's it" I said to the boys and they had not a single thing to say back.

Sweet Pea, Fangs and I aren't what you'd necessarily call dating, but we're pretty close to it. All we need is the title, the sex and to make it public.

We all go to the same school but hangout in separate friend groups. For the last four months or so, I've been getting really close with the pair. I'd often stay the night at there's, we'd cuddle, talk, watch movies and do things together very low key. I was happy with where we were.

It was better for us to stay private since being in a polyamorous relationship isn't the most widely accepted thing. Plus, it meant that we could take our time, without any outside pressures effecting us.

Their lack of response made me feel angrier than I already was.

"Let go of me Fangs" I told him sternly.

He let out a small huff but he let go of me. I walked out of the lounge and straight to the door, neither of the boys saying another word.

I got home as fast as I could, just needing to be alone and in the comfort of my bed.

I really, really like Sweet Pea and Fangs. I like how sweet yet rough Sweet Pea can be. And I like how Fangs is nothing less than a ball of sunshine, yet he has this hot and dark side to him.

I love the boys a lot, but they doubt my love for them which hurts.

Reggie is my absolute best friend. I've known him since I was four, we're extremely close. We always have been.

The boys mistake my friendship love of Reggie for more than that. Which I keep trying to tell them that they're wrong, but they don't believe a bar of it. They'll tell me "Betts, it's okay. We understand" or "we'll be there for you when you need us" or even "take your time. We'll wait for you". There is nothing for them to wait for, I'm there, in their arms practically every night but they won't put a label on us because they can't fathom that Reggie is just my friend.

I got into bed and under the covers, curling into a tight little ball. "You still coming tonight?" Reggie texted me.

Tonight there was going to be a Cheryl Blossom party. It was going to be big and have lots of alcohol.

"Do I have to? Not really in the mood" I messaged him back. "Elizabeth, you're going. I'll pick you up at 6" he messaged back and I chuckled.

I'm glad he pushed me to go out, I don't think staying in my room alone while everyone else parties is a good idea. But then again, getting drunk while I'm not necessarily doing to good, not the brightest idea. Whatever.


I was dancing with Reggie, Archie, Veronica and a bunch of other people. By this point I was tipsy but doing okay.

"Dude, make a move on her" I squealed excitedly to Reggie. He gave me a stern look as he whisper shouted at me.

"Betts, don't speak so loud. She could hear you" he said making me roll my eyes playfully.

"I wish she'd hear me, you guys have been checking each other out all night. If something doesn't happen between you two tonight, I'll throw a fit" I said making him laugh.

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