Betty x Sweet Pea // (siblings)

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Betty POV:

Betty: please Jughead, let me go home. I begged him.
Jughead: Betty no! He yelled.
Jughead: we're going to bed now and you're going to stop talking back to me. Understood? He said sternly. I nodded my head.

I got into bed with him and remained as close to the edge as I could.

Jughead: good night baby. He said softly.

A complete one eighty from his attitude no longer than five minutes ago.

Betty: good night Jughead. I said.

I closed my eyes as I thought about this whole night.

He has never treated me like this and I hate it. I hate him.

I know my worth and I don't deserve this. I don't feel comfortable here anymore and I really want to leave.

When I knew Jughead had fully fell asleep, I took out my phone that was still in my pocket and texted my brother Sweet Pea.

(Betty and Sweet Pea's messages)

Please come pick me up. I don't feel
safe here. I want to go home.

What's going on? Are you hurt? I'm on my way.

Jughead isn't being himself.
He's rude and controlling me.

I'm going to fucking kill him at school, but get out of there and I'll be there very soon.

Thank you Pea.

(end of messages)

I have never in my life been so happy that he was a fast replier.

I looked to Jughead and he was still heavily sleeping. I would hate to know what he'd do to me if he woke up and saw me trying to leave.

I slowly, carefully and quietly got out of his bed and walked down the short hallway.

I picked up my bag along the way and managed to get out of his trailer without waking him up.

I walked to the entrance of Sunny Side trailer Park and sat on the bench.

I come out here so that if for some reason he did wake up, he wouldn't find me waiting in front of his trailer.

I waited for about fifteen minutes when my brother finally arrived.

When he stepped out of his truck, I immediately embraced him in the tightest hug. I was so glad that he was here and that I was safe.

Sweet Pea: did he hurt you Betty? He asked as he held me tight.
Betty: no, but can we please get out of here? It's creepy. I said.

He gave me a soft smile as he nodded his head.

We got into his truck and I rested my head on his shoulder as I turned the heater all the way up.

Sweet Pea: go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get home. He said and I nodded my head, closing my eyes and falling asleep.


I felt like I had only been sleeping for a few minutes when Sweet Pea began whispering to me, telling me to get up.

I walked inside and after saying a quick good night to each other, we headed our separate ways to bed.

I changed into my warm pajamas and got into my cosy bed. This is where I felt safe.

Not in bed with Jughead.


Amy: rise and shine. I heard her yell from outside my door.

Amy is Sweet Pea's girlfriend, one of my favourite people in the world.

I got up and saw that it was 12 pm. Amy has a rule. If we're not up by 12 she'll wake us up, she doesn't want Sweet Pea and I to waste away the day.

I quickly ran my hands through my hair and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

Sweet Pea and I both walked in at the same time, taking a seat next to each other.

Amy: good morning my muffins. She smiled.

She's the cutest.

Sweet Pea: why does Betty get to be a muffin? He asked.
Amy: because she's cute just like you. She smiled as she booped his nose.
Betty: yeah. I smiled as I stuck my tongue out at him.
Amy: you two. She laughed.
Amy: anyway, you guys need breakfast.

She pulled out a plate of McDonald's for me and toast and eggs for my brother.

Betty: this is why I love you. I said. She smiled.
Sweet Pea: hold on a minute. Why didn't I get McDonald's? He asked.
Amy: because you told me that you're trying to get abs and McDonald's isn't going to help with that. Plus, Betty deserves it. She smiled.
Sweet Pea: might as well date her. He mumbled.
Amy: Betty if I broke up with your brother right now would you date me? she asked.
Betty: hell yeah. The best cuddles and I get McDonald's, I want. I said.
Sweet Pea: you said I was the best cuddler. He pouted as he looked to me.
Betty: you're the best guy cuddler, she's the best girl cuddler. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: fair I guess. He mumbled.
Amy: stop talking you two and eat.
Sweet Pea: yes baby. He said.
Betty: yes honey. I said. Sweet Pea looked to me and raised an eyebrow.
Betty: just practising for when we're actually together. I winked as I held up a fry, waved it in front of his face and then took a bite.
Sweet Pea: I don't deserve this. He said.

We began eating in a peaceful silence. Sweet Pea and I always mess around with each other like this.

After breakfast, we moved to the couch and were setting up a movie to watch.

Sweet Pea was cuddling Amy as I cuddled my blanket, good enough.

Any: how are you and Jughead? She smiled.
Betty: terrible. I said as I rolled my eyes.
Sweet Pea: she's going to break up with him or I'll break him. He said sternly. I nodded my head.

I don't want to be with someone like Jughead. The way he acted isn't on.

I felt scared, unsafe and I didn't trust him.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted Jughead, telling him that he we're over.

I blocked him and then deleted his number. I want to forget that him and I were ever a thing.

Betty: it's done. I said.
Sweet Pea: good. He said.
Sweet Pea: he doesn't deserve you.

I hope you enjoyed

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