Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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I'm really not vibing with this 💀

Sweet Pea POV:

I was sitting up in bed with Fangs cuddled into my chest as I ran my hand along his back.

"You think we've done something to upset her?" He asked me softly, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I don't know. She has always left pretty happy and we've always looked after her" I said and he nodded his head.

"Then I have no idea why she doesn't want to be around us" he said.

Fangs and I have been dating since we were fifteen but have been extremely close practically since birth. For the past couple months we've been having causal sex with Betty.

We initially met Betty because she was dating Jughead, a friend, kind of, of ours. They broke up but we both formed a great relationship with her.

One night the three of us were hanging out at Fangs and I's trailer. We were playfully flirting and at some point it turned out to not be so playful. We ended up having sex and we all really enjoyed it. From there we kinda just always had sex when we wanted it.

"Mh, neither do I" I said as I looked down at him.

"Do you think we should check in on her tomorrow?" He asked as he looked up to me.

"Yeah, we can do that" I said and he smiled, leaning up to place a kiss on my lips.

"I love you" I smiled as I caressed his cheek.

"I love you too" he smiled.


It was the next day so we decided to go visit Betty. She's more than just sex to Fangs and I, she's a really good friend. And if she's dealing with some shit, we want to be there for her.

She answered the door and greeted us with a confused smile. I held yellow flowers in my hand and Fangs to my side.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"Wanted to check in on you, you haven't really been yourself lately" I said as I handed her the flowers.

"Thanks" she said as she took a step back, inviting us in.

"School has just been really shit lately. Really fucking with me if I'm honest" she said as we followed her into the kitchen.

She filled up a vase of water and delicately took the flowers out of its paper and put them in the vase.

"Wanna hangout?" Fangs asked her and she gave us a soft smile.

"Not sure I'm the best company at the moment" she told us.

"You're always good company" I smiled and she gave us a happy pout.

"You guys are so cute" she smiled.

"You gonna come watch tv with us?" I asked as I let go of Fangs and jumped onto the couch.

I picked up the remote and changed the channel so that it was now Netflix.

"Is he always this bossy?" Betty smirked as she looked at Fangs.

"You don't know the half of it" Fangs grinned as he took a seat on the left, snuggling into my side as I wrapped my arm around him.

"Fangs" I warned him as I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry Sweet Pea, love you" Fangs said as he kissed my cheek.

"Mh" I mumbled as Betty took a seat to my right.

"See, not bossy at all" I smiled at Betty.

"Okay, not bossy" she said making me grin.

"A bitch" she mumbled and I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry Sweet Pea, love you" she mimicked Fangs.

"You're a bit of a tease Cooper" I smirked and she gave me her most innocent smile.

"It's why you like me so much" she smirked as she rested her head on my shoulder and looked to the tv.

I smirked as I too turned to face the tv. I'm sitting besides two annoying people, yet I adore them.

Fangs and I have been having a lot of conversations about our relationship with Betty. We've both kinda fallen for her.

We had been watching this show called Ozark for over an hour when I turned to face Betty. She turned to face me too as she raised an eyebrow. I smirked at her and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

I moved my arm lower down her body and wrapped it over her hips. She gave me an uncomfortable look.

"I'm going to get some water" she said as she stood up and walked out.

I wrapped both arms around Fangs and kissed his head. He titled his head backwards as he looked into my eyes.

"Go talk to her" I whispered as I kissed his forehead. He nodded his head.

Betty POV:

I pulled a glass out of the cupboard as I made myself a glass of water.

Sweet Pea was being way too touchy for such a casual setting, especially since Fangs was sitting right besides him.

I have no idea why Sweet Pea would even try anything on me. He is utterly in love with Fangs.

"Hey" I heard Fangs' soft voice.

"Hey" I smiled as I turned to face him.

"I know what Sweet Pea was trying on you" he hummed out as he leant against the kitchen sink next to me.

"I don't know what his problem was. I never did anything to" I started but he interrupted me by pushing his lips onto mine.

I pushed myself away from him, so utterly confused by what the boys were up to.

"Lounge" I warned him.

I walked into the lounge and turned off the tv. I sat on the coffee table and I crossed my arms, looking at the two boys.

"What is going on with you two?" I asked them as Fangs sat by Sweet Pea's side again.

"We like you, a lot" Sweet Pea spoke. I raised an eyebrow.

"We want you as apart of our relationship" he said and I let out a sigh.

"Did either of you think it may have been a good idea to tell me? Rather than make me think you guys are trying to cheat on each other?" I breathed out. They both chuckled.

"If he cheated I'd kill him" Fangs smiled as he snuggled his head into Sweet Pea's shoulder. Sweet Pea chuckled.

"So you want me to date you guys?" I asked and they nodded their heads.

"I don't really know how that would work. I feel like Sweet Pea and I would clash" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Because we both like control" I said and Sweet Pea chuckled.

"You keep your control during sex and we share control during the relationship" he said.

"What about me? Why don't I get any control?" Fangs asked with a frown, making both Sweet Pea and I smirk.

"Cutie, the adults are talking" I winked at Fangs. He blushed as he rolled his eyes.

"So, what do you say Cooper?" He asked with a smirk.

I thought about it for a moment. I really wasn't trying to get myself into a relationship. But then again, I do really care about these boys.

"Okay, we'll try this" I said making them smile.

I moved back to my seat next to Sweet Pea and rested my head on him. He wrapped his arm around my hip again and smirked when I didn't move like I had earlier.

"Don't be cocky" I smirked.

"Get use to it" he winked.

I hope you enjoyed

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