Betty x Sweet Pea

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Just something short and random lol. BUT, my next one shot won't be out until after Christmas so I hope you all have a great day, you angels deserve it. If you don't celebrate Christmas, again, I hope you still have a great day ❤️

Betty POV:

"Come in darling" Fp smiled as he invited me inside.

"Sweet Pea isn't here but he should be very soon" he said.

"Yes, I know. And that's why I need to be quick so I can avoid him" I told him and he raised an eyebrow with confusion.

"I know, sounded bad" I said making him chuckle.

"I left my textbook here the other night and I need to do some homework that I've put off. Here's the problem, if Sweet Pea sees me here, he's not gonna let me leave" I said and he chuckled.

"You better be quick then" he smirked.

I walked into Sweet Pea's room and saw that he had moved my textbook onto the floor, next to his clothes that he is yet to put in the washing machine.

As soon as I had picked it up, I could hear the sound of Sweet Pea's care pulling in. Damn, he's obviously going to see my car outside.

I walked out of his room and saw Sweet Pea walk inside.

"Hey babe, I didn't know you were staying the night" he smiled as he wrapped an arm around my back and kissed my head.

"I just came to get my textbook but I'm heading home" I said.

"You're here Bubs, you may as well stay" he said.

"I'd love to but I really need to do some homework, I promise I'll stay tomorrow" I said and he frowned.

"How about you stay here tonight and tomorrow?" He smiled.

I love him a lot but he's extremely clingy. I love that about him, but it can also be slightly annoying.

Since he wasn't listening to me, I was going to take a different approach. Make him mad at me.

"Sweets, I need to tell you something. I think you're ugly" I said and I could see Fp smirking.

"No you don't" Sweet Pea chuckled out.

"Okay, I'm sleeping with your brother" I said and Sweet Pea chuckled.

"No you're not" he said.

"I'm only with you because I want to be Serpent Queen" I said and he shook his head no.

"I'm going to steal your dog and sell her" I said and he chuckled as he gave me a weird look.

"You're being weird tonight" he smiled.

"Sweet Pea let me go home! I literally told you I was cheating on you, thought you were ugly, only want you for the title and I was going to sell your dog" I said and Fp instantly burst out into laughter.

"I know you'd never do any of those things. Why don't you want to stay?" He frowned sadly.

Now he's bloody sad, which means I can't leave him. Bitch has my heart.

"I need to do work and you are just very distracting" I said softly.

"Distracting because I'm so hot" he told me, rather an asked.

Fp walked past the two of us as he laughed louder than I had ever seen from him. I'm glad he was finding some enjoyment out of this.

"No, not even close, ugly" I smirked and he pouted.

"You're mean and you're going to pay for it by staying" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.

He carried me into his room and gently placed me on his bed. He took a seat in his gaming chair as he turned to face me, looking sad. I let out a sigh as I stood up and moved myself into his lap.

"Sweets, you know I love you" I said as I kissed his cheek and snuggled my head into his shoulder.

"You don't like spending time with me" he mumbled sadly.

"Of course I love spending time with you sweet, handsome boy. But I really need to do work and I can't do that if you're trying to hangout with me and keep my attention" I said as I ran my hand through his hair.

"You still love me?" He asked. I chuckled as I placed kisses all over his face.

"Of course I do" I said and a smile formed on his face.

"Promise me?" He asked.

"Honey, I spend too much of my time with you not to love you" I said and he smiled widely as he hid his head in my shoulder.

"Such a cute boy. All mine" I said just because I wanted him to blush. He did.

"If you have to do homework you have to sit in my lap" he mumbled into my neck.

"Okay" I said softly.

I hope you enjoyed

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