Betty x Sweet Pea

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short but it has Jellybean so that's cool

Betty POV:

I knocked on the Jones door as I waited for someone to answer.

Fp answered the door and greeted me with a smile.

Fp: hello darling, how are you? He asked as he let me in.
Betty: good, how are you? I asked as I placed my jacket on the hanger.
Fp: good. He smiled.
Fp: here. He said as he handed me money.

I babysit his daughter Jellybean, but I also date his son Sweet Pea.

I feel really bad taking his money, I would gladly look after Jellybean for free. She's an angel.

Betty: Fp seriously, I don't need your money. I'd feel to bad. I said.
Fp: I pay you too look after Sweet Pea, not Jellybean. He smirked making me laugh.
Jellybean: hey Betty. She smiled as she walked out of her room.
Betty: hey Jells. I smiled.
Fp: here. He said as he placed the money in my hand.
Fp: be good, okay? He said to Jellybean and she nodded her head.

Fp soon left and Jellybean asked to watch a movie.

I made us some popcorn as I let her choose the movie.

As I was pulling out some other snacks, I felt as a strong, muscular man wrapped his arms around my waist.

Sweet Pea: guess who. He whispered as he placed a kiss along the back of my neck.
Betty: Jellybean? I teased him.

He turned me around and raised his eyebrow.

Sweet Pea: do I look like a girl to you? He said.
Betty: well your hair is getting a little long. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: you're annoying. He said as he rolled his eyes playfully.
Betty: be useful and take this into the lounge. I said as I gave him the popcorn.

He let out a chuckle as he took the bowl from my hand and placed it in the lounge.

I took the bowl of other snacks and placed them in the lounge too.

I took a seat next to Sweet Pea as he wrapped me in his arms. I looked up to him and he kissed my head.

Jellybean: can we watch 365 days? She asked. My jaw dropped.

Absolutely not. I don't want Jellybean to be raised watching stuff like this. Romanticising topics like that, disgusting.

Betty: absolutely not, who even told you about it? I asked her.
Jellybean: one of my friends. She said.

Jellybean chose out another movie, this time something much more appropriate.

Sweet Pea and I cuddled as he fed me popcorn.

Jellybean made fake vomiting noises any time she saw either of us do it.

We all eventually settled down and watched the movie.

Half way through Jellybean had fallen asleep.

I lowered the volume as I looked up at Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: you look pretty. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: I like when you leave your hair down. I smiled.
Betty: you're sweet. I smiled as I kissed his lips.

We began talking to each other about our days and any other topic that happened to cross our minds.

When the movie had ended, I switched off the tv as Jellybean had now woken up and was on her phone.

I could see her screen and she was messaging some guy, she had a smirk on her face the whole time.

She's 15, but she's like my little baby sister. Who thinks they're good enough for my angel?

Betty: what guy are you messaging? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Jellybean: you know you're more protective of me then Sweet Pea right? She laughed.
Betty: have to be because this idiot isn't doing his job. I said.
Jellybean: his name is Jake, he's really sweet. She said.

She went back onto her phone and remained messaging the guy.

I know what it's like to date a guy that is far from perfect. I don't want her to get hurt, like I have.

It soon got late and we all headed to bed.

Sweet Pea was washing his face when I decided to have a private conversation with Jellybean. I just want to make sure she's being safe and cautious.

I knocked on her door and she invited me in.

Jellybean: hey Betty. She smiled as she got into bed and under her covers.
Betty: hey. I smiled as I walked over to her and took a seat on her bed.
Jellybean: I guess you wanna talk about Jake? She asked. I nodded my head.
Betty: darling I really only want you to be safe. I've been through my fair share of shit guys-
Jellybean: are you talking about the one down the hallway? She smirked.  I let out a chuckle as I shook my head.
Betty: I just don't want you to get hurt. I told her. She smiled as she sat up and hugged me.
Jellybean: I promise that I'm being safe and not naive. If I need anything I'll always talk to you. She said making me smile.
Betty: good. I said.
Jellybean: thank you for being my sister. She whispered as she layed back down.
Betty: I love you JB. I said with the happiest smile.
Jellybean: I love you too. She said.

I soon said good night to her as I saw that she was struggling to stay awake.

I walked back into Sweet Pea's room where I saw him waiting in bed with me.

Sweet Pea: where were you? He asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
Betty: just saying good night to Jellybean. I said and he nodded his head.
Betty: you need to look after her more. I said. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Sweet Pea: she can look after herself. He said.
Betty: agreed, but having her older brother around couldn't hurt.

I hope you enjoyed

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