Betty x Sweet Pea

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Let's do thisss

Betty POV:

I had been anxious all day and now I felt sick to my stomach.

I was laying in bed with Sweet Pea. He was talking about god knows what at this point, but all I knew was that I was about to throw up.

From my laying position, I could feel myself getting closer to throwing up. I knew if I sat up it would only hurry up the inevitable, but I did it anyway.

Sweet Pea: what are you doing? He asked confusedly as he sat up too.
Betty: I'm going to throw up. I said as I gagged.

I quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom down the hall.

I quickly threw my head over the toilet bowl and threw up.

I heard as Sweet Pea rushed in behind me.

Betty: go away! I yelled at him.

I don't want anyone to see me like this.

Sweet Pea: Betty plea- He started but I stopped him.
Betty: go Sweet Pea. I said.

I heard him let out a sigh, but eventually the door closed.

I sat on the toilet as I tried to calm down, and waited incase I had to throw up again.

I looked down, focussing on my breathing.

I saw Hot Dog, Sweet Pea's dog looking up at me.

He sat by my feet and gave my leg a small lick. I gently gave his head a small pat before I felt my stomach turn again.

I quickly stood up and threw up again. That horrible taste in my mouth.

I took a shaky breath as I sat down again. I couldn't face Sweet Pea right now.

I sat there for maybe ten minutes. I hadn't felt like throwing up so I decided it was time I head back to bed.

I flushed the toilet and quickly pet Hot Dog before I walked out of the bathroom.

I went back to bed where Sweet Pea was sitting up and had turned the lamp light next to him on.

Sweet Pea: what was that about baby? He asked.
Betty: I don't want to talk about this now. I said, not looking at him.
Sweet Pea: Betty you just threw up, I think we need to talk ab- He started but I stopped him.
Betty: stop talking Sweet Pea, you're making me feel worse. We can talk about this in the morning. I said, still not looking at him.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see an upset look on his face.

Sweet Pea: okay, good night. He whispered.

I heard as he laid down, facing away from me.

I slowly went into a comfortable laying position as I felt a little nauseous still.

I didn't mean to hurt Sweet Pea but I really couldn't deal with this right now.


I woke up the next morning and I was alone in bed.

I slowly sat up, that nauseous feeling in my stomach still there.

I took a deep breath in as I tried not to cry.

I looked to the door as I heard Sweet Pea's foot steps.

He walked into our room with two mugs in his hand.

He gently passed me a hot chocolate and I placed it on my bed side table. I didn't feel like eating on drinking anything.

He took a seat on his side of the bed and remained quiet, not even looking at me.

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