Betty x Sweet Pea

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Lets gooo

Betty POV:

Betty: please stay the night. I pouted at Fangs and Toni.
Toni: why? What do you have planned? She asked as she raised an eyebrow at me.
Betty: nothing. Why can't I just want to wake up on Easter morning with my friends? I asked.
Sweet Pea: our friends. My boyfriend corrected me.
Betty: mine. I smirked. He chuckled as he kissed my head.
Fangs: you're up to something. He said.
Betty: sorry I love spending time with you guys and enjoy your company. I sighed.

Each of them rolled their eyes at me as they gave in, sitting back down on the couch.

I smiled to myself as I made myself even more comfortable in Sweet Pea's lap.

Toni: what's she up to? She asked Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: I seriously have no clue what she does. He said making me chuckle.

It started getting late so we all decided to call it a night.

Sweet Pea took off his shirt and threw it in my direction, then getting into bed and waiting for me.

I took my shorts and shirt off as I changed into his top.

I slid into bed next to him and he wrapped me up into his arms. He kissed my head and rested his head in my neck.

Sweet Pea: what are you planning? He whispered with his eyes closed.
Betty: nothing. I said innocently.
Sweet Pea: sure. He said making me smile.
Betty: good night. I said as I felt him drop another kiss onto my neck.
Sweet Pea: night Princess. He said before he instantly fell asleep.


I woke up at a few minutes before 3 am and successfully got out of bed without waking Sweet Pea up.

I love holidays and events such as Easter, Christmas, birthday's, Halloween and everything else in between.

Toni and Fangs often say I spoil them too much, which I don't agree with at all. They're my- our, friends. I should be able to give them gifts.

I sneaked into the kitchen and opened up the cupboard's underneath the sink.

I made Easter baskets for the three of them. I also customised them so that they each had their favourite chocolates and other small little goodies.

I've had them hiding under the sink for the past week. You'd think Sweet Pea would've found them but I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what dish soap is.

I placed Toni and Fangs' baskets outside of the room each of them were sleeping in and then I went back into Sweet Pea and I's room.

I placed Sweet Pea's basket on his bed side table and got back into bed.

I felt as Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled himself closer to me. I smiled as I closed my eyes, falling back asleep.


I woke up the next morning to Sweet Pea placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

Betty: Pea. I groaned out.
Sweet Pea: happy Easter Princess. He said, turning me over so that I was facing him.
Betty: happy Easter, but I need more sleep. I said, not opening my eyes.
Sweet Pea: that's what happens when you wake up at odd hours of the night and sneak presents around the house. He chuckled.
Betty: that wasn't me. I said.
Sweet Pea: what? It was TallBoy? He said making me laugh.
Betty: maybe he has a softer side to him. I said. He raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: the guy who hasn't smiled since 1998 when he shot his ex wife? He said.
Betty: you never know. I said as I got up.
Sweet Pea: but thank you angel. He said as he kissed my cheek.

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