Betty x friendship x boyfriend

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I didn't really know what to call this. It's majority friendship but a touch of Sweet Pea and Betty at the end. Enjoy x

Betty POV:

"Can we talk in private?" Veronica quickly whispered to me.

"I'm going to the bathroom, come with me V?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Oh come on Betty, don't take her away from me" Archie groaned out.

"Lover boy, shut up" I said with a fake smile.

"Fine" he groaned out playfully.

Veronica and I linked arms as I lead us to the Blue and Gold. I unlinked our arms as she went to sit on the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked as I took a seat opposite her on the coffee table.

"He cheated on me again" she said and I let out a sigh as I moved to her side.

"I'm so sorry V" I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so sick of this. Each time he does this I forgive him Betts. I tell him that I love him. But he goes and fucks another girl" she sobbed out.

I sighed as I held her tight, resting my head on top of hers.

"Veronica we'll go straight to your dad. He won't put up with this, Archie will barely be able to breath by the time he's done" I said as I kissed her head.

"I hate Archie" she said as my heart broke for her.

I've seen her cry over this boy for months now. Hell, I've cried over him.

I had a crush on him and he very much new that. Instead of having the decency to tell me that nothing between us would happen, because he most certainly lead me on, he kissed Veronica right in front of me.

I forgave Veronica because who was she to know I liked him, but Archie. I never really forgave him. And then the first time she came to me, tears rolling down her cheeks as she told me that Archie slept with one of the cheerleaders, I lost any ounce of respect that I had for him.

"You have every right Veronica, but it's time we put an end to this" I said and she nodded her head. I gave her a small smile as I wiped away her tears.

"You're my girl and I'm sick of seeing you cry over him. The only thing you should be crying about is when cute couples break up in tv shows" she laughed as she wiped her eyes.

"Thank you B" she smiled.

"Of course V" I smiled as we stood up.

"You can tell my dad" she smirked up at me as she put on a pair of sunglasses. My jaw dropped.

Hiram and I made a deal a few months into Veronica and I's friendship. He said that he trusts me, much more than the people he's use to Veronica hanging out with. He told me that he wants me to tell him if there is anything worth telling him. In return, I get whatever I want.

At the time I didn't think about it, I said yes because I wanted Veronica to stay safe. She does some questionable things so telling him would protect her.

I later on thought about it and realised how horrible of a person I was to go behind Veronica's back like that. It was to late to go back on my deal with Hiram though.

"Veronica I am seriously so sorry and I wasn't thinking when I agreed. When I realised it was too late" I started but she interrupted me.

"B, you're a businesswoman. I like it" she said and I looked to her in surprise.

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