Betty x Sweet Pea

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short but eh, kinda cute. Make sure to vote and comment

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I laid on the couch in his trailer. We were watching a movie together.

We were wrapped up in a blanket together as I cuddled myself into his chest. He had his arm wrapped around my back and gently ran his thumb in circular motions over my hip.

We had a very chill day today. Spending it at his trailer and having a great lazy day together.

As we reached the peek of the movie, there was a knock on the door.

It was 8:26 pm by now so I turned my head to Sweet Pea.

Betty: you expecting company? I asked. A confused look grew on his face as he shook his head.
Sweet Pea: I wonder who it is. He said as he got up.

He placed his part of the blanket over me and walked to the door.

He opened it and a middle aged lady came walking through like she owned the place.

Claire: I'm home. She said.

What the hell is going on.

Sweet Pea: you have got to be kidding me! He growled angrily at the lady.
Claire: that's no way to speak to your mother Sweet Pea. She said.

Sweet Pea's mum left him when he was only ten. He has a strong resentment for her.

Claire: who are you? She said with disgust as she looked to me.
Sweet Pea: no, you don't fucking speaking to her. He said angrily.

I remained silent, not really sure what to do or say.

Claire: let me guess, you're the girl who is like his mother, deals with his mummy issues. She laughed.

This woman is insane and Sweet Pea definitely doesn't rely on me to be his mother. That's crazy that she could even imply that. But than again, I shouldn't expect much from someone like her.

How Sweet Pea turned out to be a beautiful man is beyond me.

Sweet Pea: get the hell out of my trailer! He said angrily.
Claire: I can't imagine how fucked up you are. She told Sweet Pea.
Claire: but at least you have your fake little life, with this whore who looks after you in the way your real mother couldn't. She laughed at him.
Betty: Sweet Pea lets go to my house. I told him. He was so frustrated and I needed to remove him from this situation.
Sweet Pea: by the time I get back, you better be gone or I'll make sure you'll be gone, permanently. He growled in her face.

I stood up and walked out, Sweet Pea following closely behind me.

I was going to say something, but he gave me the look that he really wasn't interested right now.

As we drove to my house, I remained silent.

I didn't really know what to say either. I didn't know how I could possibly calm him down or make him feel better.

When we arrived at my house, I turned on the lounge lights as he took a seat on the couch.

I went to take a seat next to him but he moved away from me.

Betty: I get that you're hurting and upset right now, but it doesn't give you a reason to push me away. I said to him.

I'm not going to let him push me away. He needs someone, his girlfriend, to be there and comfort him.

Sweet Pea: what if she's right? He said angrily as he stood up, pacing back and forth.
Betty: you think I'd still be with you if that were the case? I love you Pea but I wouldn't stay with you if you acted like a child. I said.
Betty: she has just gotten into your head and you need to forget her. She hasn't been in your life for eight years, you don't need her now. I told him.

I walked up to him and tried to caress his chin, again, he pulled away.

Betty: fine. I said.
Betty: you need time to calm down, I'm going to bed. I said as I shook my head and went up to my room.

I get that he's hurting, but I can't see how he would believe his mother. That I'm just some sort of girl who he found to deal with his mummy issues. It's so stupid.

Sweet Pea is independent and can look after himself, so the fact the he's just falling into his mothers trap to ruin his life is beyond me.


I woke up during the night to Sweet Pea trying to get into bed and cuddle me. I moved away. I saw the disappointed look on his face.

Betty: it hurts, doesn't it? I said to him and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He whispered.
Betty: come on, cuddle me big boy. I smiled.

He smiled too as he instantly moved closer to me and cuddled me into his chest.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry about earlier. He said.
Betty: it's okay Pea. I told him.
Sweet Pea: promise me she isn't right? He asked.

I rolled over so that I was facing him.

His arms still remained wrapped around me as I looked into his eyes from the little amount of light I had in my room.

Betty: Sweet Pea your mum is a bitch who is trying to mess up something good in your life. She knows you're doing well and she's not, so she wants to mess it up. You've got mummy issues, sure, don't we both. But you don't rely on me for whatever a mother is supposed to do, this is a equal relationship baby. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: but we cuddle, like mum's are supposed to do with their kids. He said, now in a playful manner. I grinned.
Betty: but we fuck Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: fair point Princess. He said. I smiled as I kissed his forehead.
Betty: try not to let her effect you okay? You always have me bubba. I love you, more than her, more than anyone. I told him as I snuggled my head into his neck.
Sweet Pea: thank you for being everything I need. I love you so much.

I hope you guys enjoyed

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