Betty x Reggie

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I had woken up about an hour ago and gotten ready for school.

We've been dating for a year now yet no one knows about us, besides my best friend Jughead.

Betty: when will we tell people about us? I asked him.

I'm the Serpent queen and Sweet Pea is a North Sider.

Sweet Pea: I don't know, you know that it's complicated. He said as he fixed up his hair.
Betty: it's been a year and the only person who knows we're together is Jughead. I want to tell people about us. I said.
Sweet Pea: if my parents find out they'll kick me out. He said.
Betty: so you just want to keep lying to them? I said.
Sweet Pea: of course I don't. But you don't understand what it's like on the North Side. We have to be one way, and dating a Serpent, especially the Queen is not that. He said and I rolled my eyes.
Betty: don't act like I'm forcing you to be with me Sweet Pea. I said sternly.
Sweet Pea: that's not what I'm saying. All I'm trying to say is that telling my parents, it's not going to go down well. He said
Betty: Sweet Pea do whatever you want. Don't you need to leave anyway? I asked.
Sweet Pea: I'll call you later. He said with a sigh as he kissed my cheek.

He walked out of my room and I let out a groan.

I get that it's hard for him to tell his parents, or his friends about me. But it's been a year now.

I feel like I only get to know one side to him and I want more. I want to know everything about him. I want to know what he likes doing with his friends, how he acts with his parents.

I want to be apart of his world and he won't let me.

We've never even been on a date. We always spend our time at my house and I'm over it.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

Jughead: everything okay? He asked me.

I sat down next to him where he had placed my breakfast.

Jughead's dad, Fp, use to abuse him. As soon as I found out, I told him that he was living with me from now on.

I also let Tall Boy, our old king now what was going on. He took this seriously, no one touches our Serpents.

Within the matter of a couple hours, Fp was gone, dead.

Betty: I'm just over being the girl in the shadows. I groaned out.
Jughead: break up with him. He said.
Betty: I wish it was that simple. I said.
Jughead: it is being asexual. He smirked.
Betty: not all of us are as lucky as you. I smirked back.
Jughead: you know this is a reflection of you right? You're horny, whereas, I'm not. I let out a laugh as I rolled my eyes.
Betty: that's just a glorified way of saying you're a virgin. I said making us both laugh.

We both ate breakfast and headed to our school on the South Side.

(3 weeks later)

Sweet Pea and I haven't really been talking much lately but I guess that may change. Starting from today we're all going to be transferred to Riverdale High.

It's going to go horribly, I can already tell.

Jughead and I arrived at our new school and saw all my Serpents waiting outside.

Betty: let's show these bitches who's in charge. I said and they all cheered.

Jughead, Toni, Joaquin, Fangs and I all walked in first, everyone following behind us.

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