Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

"Meet you guys back here in two hours?" My boyfriend, Fangs, spoke to Sweet Pea and I. We nodded our heads.

Sweet Pea, Veronica, Fangs and I were at the local fair. There was loud music, lots of food, loads of rides and huge crows of people.

Fangs and I are dating and Sweet Pea and Veronica are dating too. So, today we're on a double date-ish. Sweet Pea and I are absolutely terrified of rides whereas Fangs and Veronica are the complete opposite. So whenever we go to any festivals, we always spilt up into two groups so that we all have a good time.

"Can we get food first, I'm starving" He said and I nodded my head with a smile

"Just please, don't get fried butter again" I sighed out with disgust. He chuckled at me.

"It was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten, thank you very much" He said with a cocky smile.

"You threw up every where Sweet Pea, I was traumatised" I said as I looked up to him, both of us laughing at the memory.

Sweet Pea and I found a stall that sold nothing even close to fried butter so we ordered from there. 

We found some seats in a fairly quite area as we sat and talked to one another. I've known Sweet Pea the longest out of the group. I've known Sweet Pea since I was four and we've been absolutely inseparable ever since.  I was the one who even introduced Sweet Pea and Veronica. After a while, Veronica introduced me to Fangs. It's crazy how full circle life has been for us, but I couldn't be any happier.

Sweet Pea and I were talking shit about our math teacher when I heard my phone go off. I went to pick it up when suddenly my phone began to keep buzzing and buzzing.

"Who the fuck is messaging you?" he asked with a confused look. I looked down to my phone and saw that I had one Snapchat message from Fangs and then a whole bunch of messages from Fangs too.

"It's just Fangsy" I said and Sweet Pea let out a chuckle.

"Of course, I should have guessed. What does he want?" He asked with a chuckle as he stole some of my food.

Since there were loads of messages, I looked at those first. "Please don't open what I just sent you", "It was meant for someone else", "seriously Betts, do not open that", "I'll explain it later" and "??"

"What's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked me as he must have noticed the confused look on my face. I turned my phone to him and placed it on the table. He leaned over as he read all the messages that Fangs had sent me.

"He's acting weird and since you're not supposed to open it, I will" He chuckled out, making me laugh. He looked to me, looking for my approval to take my phone. I nodded my head and he picked up my phone.

I watched as he held my phone, he was sitting opposite me so I couldn't see the screen. I watched as he pressed the screen twice and I'm guessing by the way his face instantly dropped, he had found whatever Fangs had sent me. I bit my inner lip as I watched him take a screenshot of whatever he saw.

"What is it Pea?" I asked him worriedly. He was making me extremely nerves. Sweet Pea looked to me as he turned off my phone.

"I uh, I don't know how to say this" He said as he looked into my eyes. I looked from him to my phone. I heard the sound of him getting up so I looked up at him, watching as he moved closer and took a seat by my side.

"Veronica and Fangs" he breathed out before he continued.

"They're cheating on us" He said as he still held my phone in his hand.

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