Betty x Sweet Pea

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Let's get into it

Betty POV:

"For fucks sake" I mumbled annoyedly as I threw the blankets off of me.

All night Veronica has been kicking me. She constantly moves in her sleep, which means I've been getting kicked all night.

I got up and walked out of the hotel room. I walked down the hall to Toni and Cheryl's room. I was about to knock but I could hear them moaning.

"I can hear you from out here" I said as I knocked on the door.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh as I went into the lift and went one floor higher.

I knocked on Joaquin, Sweet Pea and Fangs door.

Fangs swung the door open with great force. He had an angry expression on his face which instantly changed to a forced smile for me.

"What can I do for you Betts?" He asked as Joaquin appeared from behind him.

"I was just going to ask if I could sleep on your couch or something, but you guys are busy. It's fine" I said as I wanted to leave this situation.

"Look, you've made her uncomfortable" Joaquin said angrily at Fangs.

"If anyone's made her uncomfortable, it's you" Fangs said as he turned to face Joaquin.

"Guys I'm fine, not uncomfortable at all. Where's Sweet Pea?" I asked them.

"He's the floor above, room 126" Fangs smiled and I nodded my head.

I walked back to the lift and went up another floor. I'm tired and cold. This is all bloody Veronica and Archie's fault.

Our whole friend group took a trip down to California for the summer break. We finished our last year of high school so we decided to celebrate.

So, Archie, Veronica and I were supposed to share the same room. There's two beds, one for me and one for Veronica and Archie. For some reason, god knows what at this point, they started arguing and we got to this point. Where Veronica said she wasn't going to share the same bed as him no matter what.

I finally got to Sweet Pea's room and I did a small prayer, hoping he wasn't fucking some random or in an imaginary fight with someone.

I let out a sigh as I knocked on his door.

"I don't need room service" I heard him call out. I rolled my eyes.

"It's two in the morning you idiot" I said.

I could hear him chuckle as he walked to the door and eventually opened it. He was in a pair of sweatpants and that was it.

"What up Princess?" He smiled as he leant against the door frame.

"I need somewhere to sleep" I said, he gave me a confused look.

"What happened to your room?" He asked.

"To cut a long story short, Veronica and Archie got into a fight so she was sharing the bed with me. She kept kicking me so I had enough and went to Cheryl and Toni's room. They were fucking so I went to Joaquin and Fangs room. They were fighting and that's how I ended up here" I said and he just laughed.

"I knew I was right to get my own room" he chuckled.

"Why was I your last choice?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I hate you" I smirked. He chuckled.

Sweet Pea and I dated a year ago. Us as friends got along so well, but us in a relationship. It was a mess.

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