Betty x Sweet Pea

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I can't be stuffed editing but I have toooooo

Betty POV:

Betty: you fucking piece of shit! I yelled at him.
Jughead: Betty please. He begged.

I was a crying hysterical mess.

Betty: you slept with and got my sister pregnant. You then let me and Sweet Pea believe that its his kid. Rot in hell. I said as I stormed out of his trailer.

I got into my car and sped home.

My sisters name is Anna, we're twins. Just like all twins, we're as close as two people could be.

Not anymore.

She and my boyfriend slept together. How could they do that?

She's three months pregnant. Three months of a relationship that was a lie.

I arrived home and stormed up to her room. She was in there with Sweet Pea. He had the biggest smile on his face as he rubbed his hand over her belly.

Betty: how could you? I said as I looked to her, tears running down my face.
Anna: B what are you talking about? She asked as she got out of bed and stepped towards me.
Betty: come any closer to me and I'll do something we'll both regret. I said sternly.

That's when Sweet Pea got defensive.

Sweet Pea: Betty do you want to talk outside? He asked me as he stood in between us two.
Betty: tell him Anna. I said as I looked into her eyes.

She instantly new that I had found out.

Anna: Betty I'm so sorry. She said as she was now crying too.
Betty: why. why would you do this? I sobbed out.

Sweet Pea was standing in between us, so confused.

Anna: it was a mistake. She said as she tried coming closer to me.

I took a step back.

Betty: tell him. I said.
Anna: Betty no. She sobbed out.
Sweet Pea: what is going on? He asked frustratedly.
Betty: Anna and Jughead slept together. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: what? He said as he turned to face her.
Anna: it was a mistake. She said as she rested her hand on his arm.
Sweet Pea: how long ago? He asked.
Anna: three months. She whispered.

I watched as the realisation hit his face. This isn't his kid.

Sweet Pea: are you fucking kidding me! He yelled angrily at her.
Sweet Pea: you let me believe that this was my kid. He yelled.

Sweet Pea was getting really angry and I was scared he would do something he'll regret.

He's not the type of person to hit a woman, I trust him on that aspect. But I wouldn't put it past him to punch a wall.

Betty: Sweet Pea maybe you should go. I said. He looked to me so angrily.
Sweet Pea: so you're just okay with this? He said.
Betty: of course not. How could I be okay knowing my boyfriend and sister fucked and now she's having his child. I want to kill them both. But I don't want you to do something stupid. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: fine, I'm done. I'm done with you. He said as he looked to Anna.
Sweet Pea: and Jughead. He said.

He stormed out as Anna chased after him, trying to apologize. It was no use, he didn't want a bar of it.

Anna: why would you do this? She yelled at me.
Betty: why would you fuck my boyfriend you bitch. I yelled at her.
Anna: it was a mistake. Why can't you understand that? She sobbed.
Betty: I've never accidentally fucked Sweet Pea. Sleeping with another person isn't a mistake. You deserve what you got. I yelled at her as I stormed off to my room.

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