Betty x Sweet Pea

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I have so many ideas I just can not be bothered at all to write them.

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: what the fuck crawled up your ass today? He asked as he put down his pen.
Betty: god you're such a dick. You're getting mad at me because I'm asking you to do the damn work? I knew you were dumb but this, this is next level. I said angrily

I've been having an extremely bad day today and this is my breaking point.

Sweet Pea: you've been much more of a bitch today then you usually are, so spit it out so I don't have to keep dealing with it. He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Betty: you know what? I'm done. I tried helping you but you're just an ungrateful dick who is going to end up in juvie where you should have gone months ago. Go fuck yourself. I said sternly as I picked up my stuff and walked out the front door.

I got into my car and left as quickly as I could.

The drive home was spent with me holding back tears. I hate this fucking feeling.

As soon as I walked through the door, tears instantly began rolling down my face.

I walked up to my room and laid on my bed, hugging my pillow as I completely broke down.

How do people cheat on each other? How can you tell someone you love them each night and then go and sleep with another person? How do they live with themselves.

By ex boyfriend of three years, Archie Andrews, has been cheating on me for the past year. He said it started off with flirty messages, then moved to meeting in person and well, I'm sure you can guess the rest.

I woke up early this morning to the sound of some girl yelling at the top of her lungs. I dragged myself out of bed and stood by my window.

There was a girl with blonde hair yelling at Archie. He sure likes blondes.

Hanna: you said you were wearing a condom you idiot! I'm fucking pregnant. She yelled at Archie.

He must have noticed me open my curtains because his head turned to face me.

Archie: fuck. I saw him mouth to himself.

I quickly closed the curtains. I was in shock.

Within a minute I heard him knocking on my door. The longer I ignored him the harder he knocked and the harder I cried.

The situation was just way to overwhelming for me.

So now here I am again, sobbing on my bed as I tried to calm myself down.

Betty: you're being stupid Betty. I whispered to myself.
Betty: he's just your next door neighbour, no one important. I said shakily.

I spent the next half an hour calming myself down until my tears had stopped. I knew undoubtedly I would be crying again soon.

I walked into the kitchen as I made myself a glass of water and took a few small sips.

I then grabbed a nut bar from the cupboard and ate that. That is probably all I can stomach right now.

I've been feeling sick to my stomach so eating hasn't been a very high priority today.

I sat on the couch as I laid down, staring into nothing and thinking about what had just happened.

Sweet Pea is the son of the Serpents King. He has gotten in lots of trouble with the law and this is really his last chance not to go to juvie.

A few months ago he was given the choice, he goes to school and get decent grades, have good attendance and a better attitude, or he goes to juvie. His dad, Fp, forced him to obviously choose school.

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