Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sad then sweet. But also, make sure to leave a vote and comments so I know you guys are enjoying.

Sweet Pea POV:

"You're miserable" I said as I looked over to her.

She looked from her computer to me as she raised an eyebrow.

"I don't rely on Jughead for anything" she said.

Two weeks ago Betty and Jughead broke up. He's definitely taking it a lot worse than she is, which is funny because he broke up with her.

"I know that" I said.

Betty is a very interesting character. I met her for the first time when Jughead introduced us to her. She was a little shy but as we talked to her and got to know her, she became more comfortable with us.

As soon as I met her, I could tell that there was this sense of unhappiness within her. She appeared happy and bubbly but it's when she was silent, she just looked sad.

"Then what could I be miserable about?" She asked me, turning her attention back to her computer.

The more I got to know Betty, the more I got to know her home life. Although she never goes into clear detail about her parents or sister, there's these little comments that form into big ideas.

Her mother doesn't take her problems seriously, her and Polly fight like cat and dog and her dad ignores her for weeks on end, then starts talking to her when it's convenient for him.

When you listen to what she says, she makes it very obvious how miserable she is. How Jughead, the guy who claimed he loves her couldn't see how much she's hurting, it's beyond me.

"School and family" I said.

"Only class I'm failing is math, which we both could have guessed that. And family, it's fine" she said as she looked back up to me.

"School is stressing you out and your family already have you stressed out enough" I said and I watched as her face slightly dropped, not enough to be too noticeable. But I noticed.

"Plus, an ex who never supported you in the way that you needed" I said and she looked back to her computer, likely wanting to hide her face from me.

"None of that is true. School is doing great, family is the same as usual and Jughead was fine" she said.

"School stresses you out because that's just the type of person you are. Your family are horrible, they don't support you in the ways you need. Well, they don't support you at all. And Jughead, where do I get started with that problem? I'm the one who recognises you're not okay, the guy who spends a significantly less amount of time with you then your ex" I said.

She said nothing and didn't move her head. I stayed silent as I watched her, waiting for her to take the next move.

Maybe a minute went passed when I noticed her wipe her eyes with the back of her hand.

I got up from my seat and walked over to her. I took a seat by her side and let out a sigh.

"You can talk to me Betts" I told her softly.

Betty and I have never really been that close. She's a mutual friend and we get along, but we don't spend any of our spare time together.

"And what? Tell you how miserable I am? How I can't do this anymore?" She said as she faced me, tears running down her cheek and her eyes beginning to turn bloodshot.

I sighed as I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on top of hers.

"I'm here for you" I whispered softly.

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