Betty x Mad Dog

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Betty POV:

"Please Mad dog, stop" I groaned out as I felt all my muscles slowly giving out.

"Fine, but you need to work harder" he said as he took off the punching pads.

I sat on the floor and leant my back against the wall. I raised my hand to my forehead and wiped my face of the sweat.

"Here" he said as he passed me a water bottle and took a seat by my side.

"You told me to push you Betts" he chuckled as he took a drink from his own bottle.

I skulled the water like I had never drank any before. If there was anyone else in the room, they'd think I was dying.

"Well I was wrong, clearly" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So I'm guessing this was a one time thing?" He smirked.

"Absolutely. We ever do this again and I'll die. Honestly, I don't know how you would let me do something so stupid" I said as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So this is my fault now?" He asked as he too raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, you know I'm way too out of shape and literally have an iron deficiency. You should have accounted those factors in before you tried to kill me" I said and he chuckled.

"Betts, I've been in juvie majority of my life. I know significantly less than you" he said and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"But when I told you I had an iron deficiency you acted like you knew what I was talking about" I said as a confused look formed on my face.

"You're really smart and Betty, I'm really not. This is my first time in years being in school and I wanted to make a good impression on you" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Mad" I said and then cringed.

I wanted to say his name in a comforting manner but there was no way to say his nickname where it didn't sound weird.

"You don't need to be anyone you're not around me, or anyone Mad Dog" I said as I picked up my head and faced him.

"So you want me to tell you that I've been going in and out of foster homes since I was four? I haven't seen my baby sister since I was six and went to juvie for the first when I turned ten" He said as he looked blankly at me.

"I have a dad who hasn't spoken to me in weeks and a mother who should never have had kids. I know my life is significantly less shit than yours but I'm not nearly as perfect as you may think I am" I said as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"No, don't be. Let's forget everything and go get some food" I said as I stood up.

I held out my hand for him and he took it. I pulled him up and he picked up my bag and his.

"You realise this whole workout will now mean nothing if you fill your body with junk food, right?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Junk food tastes better" I smiled as we walked to his car. He shook his head playfully.

We went down to Pops and took a seat opposite one another in the iconic red booths.

Our food soon arrived. I had a burger and fries while Mad Dog had a boring salad.

As he was eating his salad, every now and then I'd throw a fry into his bowl. He spends all his time eating healthy, he deserves a little cheat day.

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