Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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let's gooo

Betty POV:

I couldn't find the effort to raise my voice at him. I was just so angry with him.

Archie: I never meant for this to happen Betty, you have to believe me. He said.
Betty: but it did happen Archie. But at the end of the day, this won't effect you in the way that everyone else in the school has been effected. I said as I faced him, looking into his eyes.
Archie: what do you mean? He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Betty: All the money that the school has, it's going straight to the sports department. Every other area, which are in way worse condition than this, they're left with nothing. I told him. He looked from me to the ground.
Archie: what about the Blue and Gold? He asked me worriedly.
Betty: destroyed. It's done. I said.
Archie: no. He said.

I just shook my head as I headed towards the door, I wanted to get away from him right now.

Archie: Betty wait, please. He said.

I rolled my eyes before I turned to face him.

Betty: don't Archie. I'm not going to deal with it. I said sternly before I walked off.

He thankfully didn't try following after me any further.

I walked down the hall and made a sharp left, deciding to go on the opposite side of the school. I wanted to see the rest of the damage.

As I was pacing by the shattered trophy window, I saw Mr. Honey talking to a man in a sheriff's uniform and a teenager in average, casual clothes.

A confused look instantly formed onto my face. This town hasn't had a sheriff in over two years.

The idiotic adults in this town kicked out the last Sheriff we had. Once they successfully kicked out the Sheriff, they didn't know how to go about getting a new one. So the idiots did nothing.

I watched as Mr. Honey shook the hands of both the boys and they walked off in the opposite direction of me.

Mr. Honey looked up and saw me staring in his direction. He gave me a soft smile before he walked over towards me.

Betty: who are they? I asked him.
Mr. Honey: new Sheriff and his son, Tyler. He'll be starting here next week, hopefully when this place is in better shape. He said.
Betty: wow, we actually have a sheriff. I said, he chuckled.

'Betty, Betty' I heard Veronica yelling from down the hall.

Betty: V? I called out with confusion. Even Mr. Honey had a concerned look on his face.
Veronica: Hot guy! Hot guy! She said as she ran up to Mr. Honey and I, completely out of breath.
Veronica: police guy with hot son. Very tall. Six foot. She breathed out.
Betty: I saw V. I chuckled.

She stood up straight and crossed her arms over her chest.

Veronica: and you didn't tell me? I get you're going through shit Betty, but friends tell each other when they see a hot boy. She said.
Mr. Honey: this is my cue to leave and never talk to you two again. He said making me chuckle.

He walked off while Veronica caught her breath.

Betty: I just saw him, like a minute ago. I chuckled.
Veronica: better have. She mumbled making me chuckle.
Veronica: do you want him or can I? She asked.
Betty: are you really trying to get with someone after you just got out of a relationship? I asked her worriedly.
Veronica: either I cry for the next two weeks straight, or I invest my time in a potential husband. She said.
Betty: bloody hell, husband? I said. She nodded her head.
Veronica: I date to marry babe. She said making me laugh.

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