Betty x Sweet Pea

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You're awesome as hell!

Sweet Pea POV:

"What's up old man?" I asked as I walked into Hal's kitchen and began going through his fridge.

I've been working on my motorcycle all day and I'm starving. The only reason I stopped now was because I got a text from Hal, telling me to see him. He only lives next door so I guess it's not too much out of my way.

"You need to talk to Betty, she's not listening to me. She can't see how bad of a relationship she's in" he spoke and I let out a sigh.

"She's still going on with that bullshit?" I asked him.

"Yep, I've tried talking to her, your dad has and we've gotten no where. She's only going to listen to you" he said.

Betty is my life long best friend. She's usually really smart, until now. She began dating this unimportant Serpent, Jughead, and he's been nothing but a toxic asshole towards her. She sees the good in people, don't really know why, and she can't see how badly he's treating her.

When I was in my own toxic relationship a while ago, Betty realised it and made sure to get me out of it. Of course I was blind to the truth and I treated her like complete shit, but she never left my side. She made sure I didn't do anything too stupid and made sure I was okay afterwards.

"I'll try talking to her" I said and he nodded his head with relief.

I walked up the staircase and took a left as I headed to her room. I knocked on her door and I could hear as she let out a groan and told me to go away. Well someone is in a mood.

I walked into her and she looked up to me, rolling her eyes. I gave her my most gorgeous smile as I took a seat on her bed.

"Let me guess, my dad sent you to tell me how oblivious I am" she said annoyedly.

"Sorry I just wanted to visit my best friend. Stupid me, why would I ever want to do something like that?" I said sarcastically.

She looked to me as she bit her lip. I could tell she slightly felt sorry but she wouldn't apologise. Betty and I have both been raised to be very entitled, I definitely won't deny it. So apologising isn't either of our strong suits.

"What do you want to do?" She asked with a soft tone.

"I was wondering if you had any precious time to grab some dinner with me?" I asked her.

"Are you paying?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Obviously, I can't get you to go anywhere with me if I don't" I joked making her chuckle.

"Okay, let's go" she smiled as she stood up and walked to her cupboard, pulling out one of the many jumpers she's stollen from me.

"Come on mini me" I said making her laugh.

We walked downstairs and I saw Hal with a small, happy smile on his face. I haven't been seeing her much recently so I'm going to assume she hasn't been leaving her room much.

We got into my truck and I decided to try and bring up her relationship. It's going to be hard to talk to her in away that won't make her angry.

"So, how are you and Jughead?" I asked her. She gave me a slightly skeptical look.

"We're fine" she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You know, I've missed hanging out with you. I feel like we haven't been spending much time together recently" I said to her.

"I'm sorry Sweets, I guess I've just been caught up with Jughead" she said sincerely, I gave her a soft smile.

"I get it Betts" I chuckled.

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