Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Not sure how many parts this will have. Possibly 3, but idk. ANYWAY,  please vote and comment at the end.

Betty POV:

I looked around the Blue and Gold as I held back tears. It had been completely trashed last night, along with the rest of the school.

Typical Archie, he started some gang called the red circle. He began causing trouble with the Serpents which obviously was doomed to end badly.

Archie and his gang trashed the Wyrm, so in retaliation, the Serpents trashed Riverdale High.

What makes this hurt even more is that Archie is my best friend. I begged him not to start trouble, yet after 17 years of friendship, he went against my better judgement. Another element that hurts, leader of the Serpents, Sweet Pea, he was my boyfriend. I was his queen.

With everything going on between Archie and Sweet Pea, he had told me that he planned on trashing Riverdale High.

I couldn't even believe the stupidity that was coming out of Sweet Pea's mouth. Sweet Pea's bright idea was to trash a school he and the rest of his Serpents go too. He was so mad at Archie and his bullshit that he didn't even think of how his actions were going to hurt practically everyone but his target, Archie and the red circle.

Archie destroyed a place the Serpents love so Sweet Pea tried to do the same. Yet what his small, stupid brain doesn't understand is that our sports department brings a lot of funding to the school. So clubs such as writing, art, drama and others have now been effected. Archie and his bulldogs will be looked after.

So here I stand, looking at the wreck that is the Blue and Gold.

I looked to the middle of the room where I saw half of a trophy. I took a few steps closer towards it, bending over and picking it up with my left hand.

I sighed as I held the cold metal in my hand. This was my first trophy I ever got. That was the day that it really set in, that this wasn't just a hobby, that I wanted to be a writer.

Veronica: Betty. I heard her whisper from the hallway.

I turned to face her as I watched her eyes scan over the place.

Veronica: I'm so sorry. She said as she walked closer towards me.
Betty: everything I worked so hard for, ruined. I said, looking to her.
Veronica: remember that time I helped you stage a protest so that we could get the Blue and Gold up and running? She smirked. I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips.

For the first half of my first year at Riverdale High, I begged Mr. Honey for a school newspaper. He always rejected my idea, thinking that no one would be interested in it.

Veronica, my amazing best friend, said she wasn't going to stand for this so we staged a protest. Practically the whole school stood together in order for me to have the Blue and Gold. They all wanted a newspaper, something that brought the college together, and I would provide it.

We ended up causing too much disruptions to our classes so he gave in and let me have the Blue and Gold, he also gave Veronica and I detentions.

Betty: it was worth it. I said.
Veronica: it really was, but we'll get it back up and running again. She smiled to me.
Betty: V, there's no chance. I said, placing one half of the trophy onto the table, covered with ripped up paper.
Veronica: Betty we've got this place up and running once, we'll do it again. She said.
Betty: the school barely has any money as it is and what they have remaining, it'll all go to the sporting department. I said. She gave me a sad look.
Veronica: I could always get my dad to pay for it. She said. I gave her a smile.
Betty: thanks, but I think I just need to accept that this is over. I told her. She gave me a sympathetic smile as she wrapped me up into a hug.

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