Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I held my girlfriend in my arms as she cried into my shoulder. It's a completely heartbreaking sight for me to see, but even worse knowing why she's upset.

"I hate it there" she sobbed into my shoulder.

I held her tighter as I rubbed my hand up and down her back. I dropped a kiss onto her head as I tried to think of what to say, what could make her feel even slightly better.

"I know but you're here with me right now, not with them" I told her softly.

"But I have to go back there" she slightly stuttered out.

"How about you think about it like this. In three months you'll be eighteen and you'll be free" I said.

"Then what? I can't exactly just buy my own place" she said.

"Move in with me" I said and she moved her head out of my shoulder, giving me a confused look.

I've been with Betty for the past two years and she's been having the same family problems. Two parents who don't know how to parent and an entitled brother. She constantly comes to me with her problems and unfortunately, there's not much I can really do, besides from being there for her.

"You haven't even asked your dad, have you?" She asked.

"Not yet, but it's not like he's going to say no" I said and she rested her head in my shoulder again.

"I don't want to go home" she mumbled.

"I know, but we'll be on FaceTime the whole time, it's basically like we're together" I said, wanting to cheer her up.

"I want to be with you" she said. I know this isn't the moment to smile, but I felt really happy that she loves being with me.

I've had girlfriends in the past and I'm not going to get into too many details, but they never wanted me for the reasons that Betty does, love.

"Well maybe we can do something about it" I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked into my shoulder.

"I got you, well I guess us, a present" I said and she dug her head out of my neck as I unwrapped my arms from around her.

I got up from my bed and walked over to the draw of my gaming desk. Earlier today something Betty had been talking about arrived. I got it from some sketchy company but what I got were two wristbands. These wristbands have a touchscreen that you can tap and it'll send a burst of light and a vibration to the other person wearing it.

I walked back to my bed and handed her the box. It came in a white box so I'm not surprised she gave me a confused look.

"Open it my love" I said as she took it out of my hand.

She opened the box and a happy pout formed onto her face when she released what I had gotten.

"You didn't" she smiled.

"I'm just the best boyfriend" I joked, making her laugh.

"You are" she smiled as she wrapped the bracelet around my wrist. I smiled as I dropped a kiss to her head.

"You don't know how much I love you" I smiled as I picked up her wristband and place it around her wrist.

"I love you more" she said and I chuckled.

"Not even close" I smiled.

"We'll ignore how stupid you sound right now, but tap yours" she said excitedly. I chuckled as I tapped my wristband.

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