Betty x Sweet Pea

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oh shit, am I finally posting? Also, this isn't really Swetty. Idk. It's something. Also it's SP point of view which I rarely ever do for some reason.

Sweet Pea POV:

Jane: no! I'm not going to school unless Betty does my hair! My three year old yelled at me. I let out a sigh as I kneeled down so that I was eye level with her.
Sweet Pea: angel, Betty isn't here. I can do your hair and later tonight Betty can do it, how does that sound? I asked my daughter.
Jane: no! She screamed as she ran off to her room.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I stood up.

Fp: I guess you're staying home today. My dad laughed at me.
Sweet Pea: how did you deal with me as a kid when I acted like that? I asked him as I sat on the couch.
Fp: nothing could help you. She's as stubborn as you were. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: great. I said as I rested my head on the couch, eyes closed.

As I was trying to think of what I could do, I heard my brothers bedroom door open and eventually saw him walk into the lounge.

James: why is that kid so fucking loud. He groaned as he took a seat on the armchair and wrapped himself in a blanket that Betty keeps here.
Sweet Pea: she wants Betty to do her hair. I said.
James: well get Betty. He groaned.
Sweet Pea: she has school. He rolled his eyes and then fell asleep.

Three years ago I was in a relationship where the both of us clearly weren't working out together so Sarah, my ex and I, ended it. After about two months of not seeing each other, she sent me a text telling me that she was pregnant.

We made plans to work things between us out so that we could both be there for our daughter. That didn't work out.

She ended up leaving town and telling me she wanted nothing to do with Jane after a month of my daughter being born.

So for the past three years I've been looking after Jane. She truly is one of the best things to come into my life.

Betty and I began dating a bit over a year ago, and it's safe to say that Jane absolutely adores Betty. Maybe a little too much.

I got up again and walked into my daughters room.

Sweet Pea: Jane we need to leave soon or we'll be late for school. I said.

She goes to kindergarten and has three hour sessions every Monday and Thursday.

She crossed her little arms over her chest and groaned loudly.

Jane: I want Betty to do my hair! She yelled.
Sweet Pea: Betty is at school, she is busy right now. When Betty comes here later I promise she'll do your hair, but right now we need to leave. She didn't budge.
Sweet Pea: you have three seconds to get into the bathroom so I can do your hair or Betty won't come here tonight. I said to her sternly but not angrily.
Sweet Pea: three. I said. She gave me an angry look.
Sweet Pea: two. That's when I saw her crack.
Jane: fine! She yelled as she ran into the bathroom.

Using Betty as a threat can really come in handy.

I followed her into the bathroom and began fixing her messy bed hair up.

As I was putting her hair into a ponytail, she every now and then glared at me through the mirror. When she wasn't doing that, she was playing with the hairbrush.

Once I finished, I turned her around and gently caressed her chin.

Sweet Pea: I love you okay? I said.
Jane: I love you too. She mumbled.

We were soon finally on our way to school.

Once we arrived, she yelled a quick goodbye to me as she ran off to go play with her friends.

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