Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:


Betty: hey. I said with a soft voice.
Sweet Pea: hey. He smiled, inviting me in.

We walked into his room and I took a seat, facing him.

Sweet Pea: what's going on? You're being really off. He said.
Betty: Sweet Pea, we aren't working out anymore and you know that. I told him, holding in a breath.
Sweet Pea: what? He said in a low, sad and confused voice.
Betty: We never spend any time together. You're always with the Serpents, it's really clear we're not working out anymore. He looked so hurt.
Sweet Pea: Betty no. Don't do this. Please. He said as he reached out to hold my hand.
Betty: do you think we're working out? I asked as I looked down to his hand.

He let out a sigh, not saying anything. He knew that we were over too.

Betty: I guess that answers my question. I said as he took a seat beside me, his hand still holding mine.
Sweet Pea: Betty, I love you. He frowned as he caressed my cheek. He looked into my eyes as I could tell he wanted this whole conversation to go away and act like it never happened.
Betty: Pea- I sighed, biting my lips.
Sweet Pea: please. He said as he rested his forehead against mine.
Sweet Pea: just say you love me. He whispered.
Betty: I love you but we're done, I'm sorry. I said as I stood up. He didn't let go of my hand.
Sweet Pea: I can't Betty. He said, holding onto my hand tighter.
Sweet Pea: you have to promise we're still going to be friends. He said.
Betty: okay. I whispered. He let go of my hand and I walked out.

-end of flashback-

That was a year and a half ago. We're 18 now and his school has been transferred over to mine.

Sweet Pea is still very high up in the Serpents but seeing him now, wow, he's changed.

He walked into the room I was in and I saw how incredibly handsome he is. He's always been good looking, but seeing him now, I'm in shock.

His whole style has changed and he looks incredibly hot.

I thought I had gotten over him, how incredibly wrong I seem to be.

We haven't seen each other since we broke up. We promised we would be friends but we didn't. It hurt, but it was better that way.

Sweet Pea's eyes landed on me and he crossed his arms as he leant against the door frame.

Sweet Pea: since when did you get detention? He smirked.
Betty: since the principal changed into a dickhead. I said making him smirk.

He walked into the room and took a seat next to me.

Sweet Pea: hey. He smiled. I gave him a soft smile.
Betty: hey. I said.

We looked to each other in silence. It became awkward very quickly.

Thankfully, somewhat, Mr. Honey walked in. I truly hate this man. He's absolutely useless, and a prick.

Mr. Honey: you're both here for the rest of the week and you know why. Don't cause trouble and don't bother me. He said and then walked out.

Sweet Pea looked to me and gave me a shocked look.

Sweet Pea: and my school was the one that got closed down? He said in shock. I chuckled.
Betty: we have a shit principal, your principal was on meth. I said making us both chuckle.
Sweet Pea: I've missed you. He said. The smile on my face slightly dropped.
Betty: Pea. I said. He let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: come on Betts, don't act like you don't want to get back together. I'm extremely hot and you never wanted to break up with me. He said making me chuckle.
Sweet Pea: you're more beautiful than I remembered. He smiled
Sweet Pea: so beautiful. He said as he caressed my cheek.
Betty: seriously stop. I said as I moved away from him. He gave me a confused look.
Sweet Pea: what's wrong? He asked softly but with concern.
Betty: why are you trying to get back together when nothing has changed? The reasons we broke up still stand. I said annoyedly to him.
Sweet Pea: I promise things would change. He said.
Betty: Sweet Pea we don't even know each other anymore. We've been apart for over a year. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay, can we hangout tonight then? He asked.
Betty: what's the point? I said taking a seat and letting out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: because I'm in love with you Betty. What else do you want me to say? He said sternly. I looked to him and then down.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said. I said nothing.

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