Betty x Sweet Pea

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The way I have wanted to write this for literally over a year and I've only done it now lol

Betty POV:

I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend's head in my lap as I ran my hand through his hair. Fp, his dad was sitting on the arm chair to our left and Sweet Pea's brother was sitting on the other chair to our right.

We were watching some movie when there was a knock on the door. Neither one of us moved.

"Seriously, not one of you is going to get up?" Fp asked as he stood up.

"To be fair, who would come here for me?" I said.

I moved in with my boyfriend last year. It's not the most ideal and not something I would have wanted if I didn't have too. But unfortunately I had some really bad home circumstances.

As much as I love my boyfriend and completely adore his family, moving in with your boyfriend after being together for two years and still being a teenager. It puts a lot of strain on our relationship. We're around each other 24/7.

Fp chuckled as he walked out of the lounge and down the hall.

"Keep rubbing" Sweet Pea said making me chuckle.

"So needy" I smiled as I went back to massaging his head.

Fp soon came back into the lounge and looked to Sweet Pea.

"It's for you" he said in a concerned sort of way as he flickered his attention between the two of us.

"Who is it?" Sweet Pea groaned as he sat up.

"A Serpent" he said with no description.

Since Sweet Pea is King of the Serpents, they're his responsibility.

Sweet Pea got up and wrapped my blanket over me. He walked down the hall and I looked to Fp, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that" he said and I maintained my look.

"Who's at the door?" I asked him.

"A Serpent" he said.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost" I said and he nodded his head for a moment.

"I have" he said.

I had no idea what cryptic message he was trying to hide but I gave up on figuring it out. Sweet Pea would tell me anyway when he came back.

Sweet Pea had been gone for about ten minutes when he came back, looking like he was in shock.

"Our room?" He asked me. I gave him a confused look as I wrapped the blanket around my back and stood up.

I followed him into our room and took a seat on our bed. He closed the door behind us as he slumped into his gaming chair across the room from me.

"Not just a Serpent?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Not just a Serpent" he said as he let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Who was it?" I asked him worriedly.

"Casandra" he said and I gave him a slightly confused look.

Casandra is Sweet Pea's ex. They dated when they were fourteen and ended on bad terms when they were sixteen. I know they haven't spoken to each other since they broke up so I have no idea why she'd be here.

"What does she want?" I asked him as I wrapped the blanket around me tighter.

He looked to me, a sorry look forming on his face as he looked to the ground. He didn't say a word.

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