Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is just a little extra I wanted to post. This is a creative piece I did on Macbeth and decided why not change the names and turn it into a Swetty one shot. I hope you enjoy. If you don't know Macbeth, um, shît.
ALSO TW// Suicide

Betty POV:

Laying alone in my bed, my mind is troubled with thoughts. Thoughts regarding my husband, newly appointed King. The night we committed such a crime, killing King Duncan, plagues both of our minds. My husband Sweet Pea has turned into a strange man. Each waking second I notice he is not who I married those few years ago. What has this murder done to him?

I silently watch along as what I can only describe as his ambition, hidden behind insanity increases. Each day he devises some new and crazy plan to seek everything he could have ever wanted. He got the role of King through default and foul play, but now he's become greedy with want. I barely know who he is anymore. No more than two days ago I would have described him as a coward and barely a man. I after all was the one who had to lace the groomsmen's drinks and return to the chamber, putting away the daggers my husband had so carelessly brought back with him. But since the night that has changed both of our lives so greatly, he's turned into a man I know longer have full trust in.

My thoughts of worry, concern and fear were drawn to a halt as I heard the door open, Sweet Pea entering. I pretended to sleep as I heard him shrugging off his clothes and changing into his night attire.

For now, I rested my eyes, letting sleep consume my body and mind until tomorrow. Another eventful day to come, and of course it was.

Macbeth was already awake and out of bed before I was. As I walked into the dining area, I saw him and two men by the door, leading out of the castle. The two men wore worn out clothes and shoes with holes, definitely not men of our class or social group. I tried not to look in their direction as I took a seat, not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

I kept my eyes directed downwards as I tried my best to make out what words they were speaking. They spoke lightly and quickly, probably now realising that I was here. The two men were soon gone. Sweet Pea joined me at the table as I looked at him in confusion. I believe that I heard the word 'murder' slip from one of their mouths.

"Who were those men?" I questioned him, watching his every move.

"A few of my soldiers" He said too quickly.

"What did they need from you at this hour?" I asked him, starting to worry for my own safety and even his.

"Nothing, nothing important" He said, dismissing the topic.

I asked no further questions. He was hiding something from me and I needed to know what. Who knows what he is capable of now? I don't even think he truly knows. It seems to be that he never really knew of his strength until he was made to do something that required it.

This man was never able to lie and especially not to me. How did this one event change so much?

I know he wanted to become the king so badly but the way he's been acting and spoke since the death, he's different and I know others are starting to suspect something of his newfound personality. I worry of Macduff; he has definitely noticed a change in Sweet Pea, when he announced the death of King Duncan to us all, Macbeth didn't sell it.

Soon Sweet Pea left, leaving me in this cold and empty room, only to be left with my fears and worries. How can I stop this man and my uncontrollable thoughts?

If I heard correctly, and he is going to murder someone, who is it, why is he? Everything has somewhat calmed down over these past days. Why would he ruin that and draw more attention to us?

I finished breakfast and retired into the living room. I took a seat beside the fire as I looked down to my hands. My hands which were covered in guilt. As I've been watching and analysing my husband's reaction to his guilt, which only seems to be finding a passion for killing, I never thought of myself. That night had changed me.

I'm no longer the innocent and clean person people expect and know of me. I'm no longer even Lady Elizabeth. I'm the Queen.

"May we have a word Queen Lady Elizabeth" The doctor located on this ground asked. I turned my head in his direction and nodded my head, motioning for him to have a seat.

"Is everything well?" I asked him. By the concerned face he was making, I could tell that there was something worrisome he was holding back.

"I came to talk about you, some of the maids have come to me with concerns regarding your wellbeing" He informed me.

Could the people living amongst this castle with my husband and I know the horrible way we became king and queen? If one of them know, this is the end of him and I. We'll be killed in the most painful way imaginable.

"Concerns?" I questioned him.

"They've seen you sleep walking and talking too for that matter". I didn't know what to say or do.

"What have I been saying?" I smiled calmly.

"They haven't been able to make out anything useful but they say you do repeatedly wash your hands". He said.

That sentence remined me of the night we committed the murder. I told Sweet Pea to wash his hands and go to bed. What if I accidentally reveal our sins through sleep talking?

"I wanted to check in and see if you're okay". He said as he went through some of his notes.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. I've been sleep walking since I was five" I smiled.

"Okay, find me if you have concerns." He told me as he stood up and exited the room.

That's another reason I should be worried about the fall of Sweet Pea and I.

All day Sweet Pea had been getting ready for battle against Macduff and Malcolm. There's no way he'll be able to win against them. They have too many men, some who even use to be on our side.

"We stay put. We wait for them to come to us." Sweet Pea had yelled from outside.

I was able to hear around of cheers and claps by his speech.

Everything that has happened since the murder to now was getting to me. I was talking and washing my hands in my sleep, my husband is about to be killed and I have no doubt that I won't be spared.

This is my end. I'll take control.

I went up to the highest chamber amongst this castle and approached the window. I opened it up and saw Sweet Pea outside, talking to Seyton.

I took a deep breath as I lunged myself out of the window, before my husband's eyes.

I felt as my head hit the hard gravel and all I could see was black.

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