Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Tyler and I had been hiding behind our fence for the last three hours. We have a new neighbour moving in anywhere between 3 pm to 12 am. It's currently 6 at night and there's been no sign of the person.

Him and I are trying to figure out what type of person is moving in next to us. A mom? dad? Young adult? A family? A retired couple? There were so many possibilities.

Tyler hoped it was some hot girl and I was hoping for some hot guy. Eye candy could never hurt.

Sweet Pea: losers, dinner. I heard my boyfriend call out.

Both Tyler and I let out a groan but we walked towards the door.

Sweet Pea: no luck? He chuckled at the two of us.
Betty: nope. What is taking them so long? I groaned as Tyler nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: I'm sure they're not expecting two kids spying on them. He said as he opened the door.
Tyler: I'm 20. He said.
Sweet Pea: Ty, that's a lot worse. Tyler rolled his eyes.
Betty: we're not spying, we're trying to welcome our new neighbours. I told Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: yeah, and I'm not one fight away from going to juvie. He said sarcastically making me chuckle.

We walked into the house and each of us took a seat in the kitchen.

Fp: any luck? He tried to ask seriously but I could hear the smirk in his voice.
Tyler: why are we being judged for trying to be nice people? He asked.
Betty: exactly. I said.
Fp: you two just want to see if they're hot. He chuckled as he sat down with us.
Betty: maybe so, but what if it's a hot grandma? You can give Tyler and Sweet Pea a step mother. I said.
Fp: Betty, I am not old. He said.
Betty: approaching middle age. I mumbled. Tyler and Sweet Pea laughed.
Fp: darling? He smiled.
Betty: yes? I smiled back.
Fp: do you want to live with your mother? I shook my head no.
Betty: you know what, you don't look a day over 32. I said. He smirked as he took a sip of his beer.

We ate dinner with small chatter but majority of the time it was silent.

As soon as Tyler and I had finished our dinner, we were back outside hiding behind a fence.

Tyler: what if we've spent hours outside waiting, only for it to be a gremlin looking person? He said making me laugh.
Betty: I mean it's a chance. I said.

We waited for just over an hour when we heard the sound of a truck starting to slow down.

Tyler and I quickly looked to each other and ducked down further behind the fence.

Betty: we're finally going to see who they are. I whispered excitedly to Tyler.

We heard as the truck pulled up and then the sound of the door opening.

We looked through the cracks of the fence, trying to figure out what this person looked like.

We could make out that it was a guy, but the  cracks in the fence were too thin and it was too dark.

Betty: I can't see. I whispered as I turned to face Tyler.
Tyler: watch him. He said as he nodded his head towards the new neighbour.

I gave him a confused look but did as he said. Well, he was being rude.

I heard as Tyler slightly moved his hands through the grass. What the hell is he doing?

All of a sudden, I heard as a stone fell onto the gravel near the guys truck. Tyler threw a rock. This prompting the guy to look around him, giving me a better look of his face as the car light lit up his face.

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