Betty x Sweet Pea

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It's ya fav couple back at it again

Betty POV:

"It's sweet to me that you get jealous over some random bitch hitting on me" he said as we held hands and walked to our lunch table.

"I don't like that she's always trying to touch and flirt with you" I said as we took a seat next to each other.

"Have I ever given you the impression that I would cheat on you?" He asked as his thumb ran in circular motions over my hand.

"No, I know you never would. But that still doesn't change the fact that I really fucking hate her" I said as he let go of my hand and rested his hands on my hips. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know, it's annoying and there's not much we can do about it but just remember, there is not a thing about her I like. You on the other hand, fucking perfect" he said, making a blush rise up to my cheeks.

"You've been my best friend since the moment I saw you and you've been my priority ever since. You're my pretty bug and you know I am completely in love and obsessed with you" he said making me smile, the biggest blush on my cheeks.

"And Cooper" he said as Toni and Fangs began approaching our table.

"There's always a way to deal with a problem" he said as he bopped my nose and then pressed his lips to mine.

"I love you so much" I said as I kissed his lips.

"I love you too babe" he smiled as our two friends took a seat opposite us.

"You make me sick" Toni said jokingly as she looked to us.

"But T, we love each other so much" I pouted.

"Fine, you're cute. But I hate you both because I want to be in a relationship so badly" she said making me chuckle.

"We're in a new school filled with people for you to try out" Sweet Pea said.

"Well, as the gays of this friend group we'll tell you that there are so many gay people at this school, but they're all in the closet and we don't have time for that" Fangs said and Toni nodded her head.

"I'm sure there are some people who are out" I said.

"There are, but they're posh bitches" Fangs said and I nodded my head, completely agreeing that everyone at this school are bitches.

"Still dealing with Veronica?" Toni asked as she ate some of her food.

"Yep" I said annoyedly.

"Why haven't you beat her up?" Fangs asked me confusedly.

"Because if I get suspended from school, my dad suspends me from the Serpents" I said.

"Your dad needs some pussy" Toni said out of nowhere, causing Sweet Pea and I's jaws to drop.

"I would really prefer not to think about my dad having sex" I said.

"I wonder when he'd even find time to do it, like we're" Sweet Pea started and I gave him a disgusted look.

"Do you want me to ask the same question about your dad? Because I know a lot of people consider him a dilf" I said and he pretended to throw up.

"You know people call Hal a dilf too, right?" Fangs chimed in.

"Okay enough of this horrible conversation" I said and Sweet Pea nodded his head.

The rest of the day went on with a lot less talk about our dads having sex and it gave me a chance to figure out how I'm going to deal with Veronica. If I can't touch her, Toni can. And I know she'll be more than happy to rough up a North Sider.

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