Betty x Sweet Pea

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uh, confusing? Maybe? Random? Maybe? Idk? Yes?

Betty POV:

I had gotten home about an hour ago after a date that went horrible.

The guy was from my school, someone who I didn't necessarily talk to a lot, but someone who had always been really kind.

I agreed to go on this date because I did genuinely think he was nice. But upon getting their and talking about myself and my interests, he was a complete jerk.

When I had had enough and told him I was going home, he told me that I wasn't even pretty anyway.

Why do men have to be such insufferable jerks?

I heard my doorbell ring as I let out a sigh, knowing exactly who it would be. Sweet Pea, my ex.

We broke up just over a month ago now but for the past two weeks, every evening he comes to my house and we just talk about anything and everything. Sometimes he'll even stay the night.

I opened the door and he walked straight in and into the lounge.

I closed the door behind him and walked into the lounge, taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch to him.

Sweet Pea: how was your date? He asked as he pulled up his legs and rested them in my lap.
Betty: terrible. I said and watched as a smile instantly formed on his face.
Betty: thanks asshole. I said as I rolled my eyes.
Sweet Pea: you can do better. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Betty: how did you even know I had a date? I asked.
Sweet Pea: Toni accidentally told me. He said.

We moved on from that topic to another.

He was in the middle of talking when I couldn't help but zone out.

I don't know what I'm doing. At this point I'm just truly hurting myself.

I'm clearly not over Sweet Pea but I'm also still angry at him for why we broke up and what we are now.

He broke up with me because he claimed that it was too stressful being in a relationship and dealing with the Serpents. But a few weeks ago I asked him why he comes to mine so often and he said because being with me is relaxing. Those two answers contradict one another.

I hate that he comes over here and acts like we're best friends. Of course I'm at fault for allowing him to stay in my life but it's because a simple apology and explanation on his behalf would have sufficed. But know, he's never said those simple words, I'm sorry. 

Sweet Pea: hello? He said as he waved his hand in my face.

I brought myself out of my mind and focused on him.

Sweet Pea: you okay? He asked.
Betty: no. I want you to leave. I said to him. He gave me a really concerned and confused look.
Sweet Pea: what's going on B? He asked.

I hated that he still uses nicknames with me.

Betty: we're not friends Sweet Pea. You're my ex and that's how it should had stayed. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: I'm guessing you're angry about your date and you're taking it out on me. That's okay Betts, I'm here for you. He said and I let out a scoff as I pushed his legs off of me and stood up.
Betty: no Sweet Pea, I'm fucking pissed at you for being a complete jerk to me. I yelled at him.
Sweet Pea: what have I done? He asked.
Betty: you break up with me, telling me that our relationship is too stressful for you but then you come here everyday and your reason being is that I help you relax. I love you Sweet Pea and I can't keep doing this. I said.

He looked at me for a moment, not knowing what to say to me.

Sweet Pea: Betty I come here because I fucking love you, all I've ever wanted was to get back together with you. He said as he stood up, trying to wrap his arms around me but I took a step back.
Betty: you were a complete jerk the night you broke up with me. All I wanted from you was an apology and an explanation. Why is that so hard for you? I asked as I wiped away a tear that had fallen.
Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry Betty, I never meant to upset you. I had a shit day and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. He said.

I remained silent, all I wanted to do was hug him but I reframed. He doesn't deserve that yet.

Sweet Pea: and I know I've been handling everything in the wrong way but I knew I fucked up. I didn't think you'd ever want to get back together with me so I decided I'd rather have you as a friend than nothing at all. He said.
Betty: you should have been honest with me straight away Sweet Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: I realise that now. He said.

I took a seat on the couch and he did the same at the other end.

Sweet Pea: what do you want out of this, us, Betty? He asked softly.
Betty: I want the guy who I first met. You've changed a lot Sweet Pea, and not for the best. I said as I looked away.
Sweet Pea: tell me what you want, I promise I'll try and change. He said. I turned to face him, sad expressions on both of our faces.
Betty: I want the guy who would do anything to put a smile on my face, I want the guy who would try to cook dinner even if it turned out shit, I want the guy who use to get upset when I left his cuddles. I want what we use to had. I said as I wiped away some more tears.
Sweet Pea: can I hold you? He whispered.
Betty: yes, but don't think this means anything. I said and he nodded his head.

He moved himself closer to me and then picked me up, placing me in his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry for everything. He said.
Betty: how do I know things between us will be different? I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: because I can't stand to ever see you so upset as you are now, especially since it's my fault.
Betty: I wish I didn't love you so much. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'm glad you do. He said, holding me tighter.

I turned to face him, wanting to kiss his lips. I decided against it as that would be too much for day.

I settled for kissing every inch of his face. I just needed this. I wanted to kiss him. I want to hold his hand. I want to cuddle him. I want to play with his hair. I want to have the most passionate sex with him. But I settle for some simple kisses.

Sweet Pea: you're too good for me. He said as I continued kissing him.
Betty: I know. I said.

After a minute longer, I stopped. I looked into his eyes.

Betty: do you want us to spend the rest of our lives together? I asked.

I can't get into a relationship if it's going to end in heartbreak. It hurts too much.

Sweet Pea: of course I do Princess, of course I do. He whispered.

I had been cuddled up in his arms for about half an hour now and I wanted him to take me to bed. To stay the night and return back to the man I started dating over a year ago.

Betty: take me to bed and stay. I said. He nodded his head.

He picked me up and I wrapped myself around his body.

He carried me up to my bed and gently laid me down. He tucked me in and then got into bed next to me, not sure whether to touch me or not.

Betty: be the guy you use to be. I instructed him.
Sweet Pea: c-can I kiss you? He asked nervously.
Betty: yes. I said.

He ran his hand underneath my shirt and ran his hand up and down my back. I then felt as he pushed the side of my shirt down and dropped a kiss onto my shoulder.

Sweet Pea: how was school today? He asked me.
Betty: it was okay, boring. I said.

This is the man I fell in love with. This is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life.

Sweet Pea: you're stunning Betty. He said, his hand continuing to run up and down my back.
Betty: you're handsome. I said.

He pulled me onto his chest and held me tight.

Sweet Pea: is this okay? He asked. I nodded my head as I rested it on his chest.

I honestly love this man too much. He could use me and I'd still keep running back. I just hope he doesn't revert back into what he'd become in the last month of our relationship.

Sweet Pea: are you okay with me staying with you tonight? He asked.
Betty: yes. I said.

That's all we said to each other for the rest of the night.

I hope you enjoyed

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