Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea saving the day :)) and, why you guys letting my account FLOP

Sweet Pea POV:

"Give it asshole" I said as I threw my body onto my older brother.

He wanted to watch the news and I wanted to watch literally anything else. He's so old, he shouldn't even be living at home anymore. I want him to move out already.

"Get off me you animal" Tyler said as he tried pushing me off of him.

"Give me the remote and I'll do that" I said angrily as I punched his stomach.

"Mother fucker" he wheezed out. I tried reaching for the remote but he punched me in the face.

"I could press charges you fuckwit, you just assaulted a minor" I said as he restrained my wrists with his hands.

"Keller would thank me for the public service" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You're my brother, it would be a public service if I killed you too" I said as I put all my force into getting out of his grip. It was no use.

"You can't even think of your own insults, you're a child" he said as he grunted.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see my girlfriend get up and walk out. That was pretty weird. She's usually either laughing at us or telling us off.

"Fine, have the remote. But I'm going to piss on your bed" I smirked.

"Gross Sweet Pea" he said as he pushed me off of him.

I got off of my brother and walked into Betty and I's room. She was pacing the room and her breathing was out of control.

"Hey, hey. Betts, what's going on?" I asked as I walked up to her and held both sides of her arms.

"My mum, she killed a person" she said as she moved out of my grip and continued pacing around the room.

"Okay Betty we'll deal with that in a minute but you need to sit and calm down" I said softly but she shook her head.

"She made me help her, Sweet Pea" she said and I nodded my head.

"You need to believe me, I had no choice" she said.

"Honey, of course I believe you. But I need you to sit, drink some water and then tell me everything so I can deal with this" I told her and she shakily nodded her head.

I took her hand and lead her to our bed. She took a seat and I reached to her water bottle on her bed side table.

"Drink some please" I said as I gave her the water bottle.

She took it from my hands as she nodded her head. She took a few small sips and then put it on the table.

"Sweet Pea there's nothing you can do" she said as she looked into my eyes.

"Betty, I can deal with this and I can keep you out of trouble. I just need you to tell me everything" I said as I pulled her hands into mine.

She began explaining to me a really fucked up situation that Alice brought upon Betty. I shouldn't even be surprised at this point, Alice is a horrible person and mother.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I asked her softly.

"I wanted to call you but she took my phone and then I didn't tell you about it afterwards because I didn't want you to have to deal with it" she said and I gave her a soft smile.

"Babe, you've always gotten me out of trouble and I'll get you out of this situation. You can trust me" I told her.

"I know I can trust you, but this, this you can't fix. If it could be fixed, I would have already done it" she said.

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