Betty x Sweet Pea

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Like a sour patch kid, sour then sweet. Idk what I'm saying. It's 1 am

Betty POV:

"He needs to leave" I said sternly to Fangs and Veronica.

"No, you two have been miserable this past month because you miss each other" Veronica told me sternly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You have no idea why we haven't spoken to one another so don't act like you do" I warned her.

"Yeah, we have no clue about whatever the hell happened between you two but it needs to be fixed" Fangs stepped in.

"Betty, can we talk in private?" Sweet Pea asked with a soft but sad voice.

"Didn't think you'd be interested in talking to a selfish bitch that only does anything for herself" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

The two of them looked to Sweet Pea in shock so I decided to continue.

"I truly have no idea what he's told you, but he's definitely painted himself to be a lot better in this situation than he is" I said.

"He hasn't told us anything" Fangs told me.

"Great, now the three of you can leave" I told them.

Sweet Pea was one of my best friends. We met about three years ago and we just automatically clicked with one another. We were as close as two people could be until a month ago.

Sweet Pea found out that I knew of some of the dodgy things that Jughead did. Jughead was my boyfriend and was the Serpents King. Last month everything that he did came to light.

When Sweet Pea found out that I knew, he was extremely angry at me because I should have done something. I should have told someone. According to him I'm a 'selfish bitch who doesn't care about others." There was a lot he had to say but the main point he made was that he hated my guts and that he'd never trust me again.

He had every right to be mad at me because I know the Serpents are his family. But the way he spoke to me, like I was nothing more than dirt beneath his feet. I'm not going to stand for it.

Plus, I know something that he doesn't know that I know.

He cried me a river over the fact I didn't tell the Serpents about what Jughead was doing. But Sweet Pea never told me that Jughead was cheating on me. So I guess in that sense we should be even with each other.

"Betty please" Sweet Pea said.

"Why don't you go tell Toni everything?" I said and his face dropped even further.

Toni was who Jughead was sleeping with. He was probably sleeping with other girls too for all I know.

"It's funny, you had a go at me about loyalty yet you did the same thing to me" I told him with a chuckle.

"It was complicated" he mumbled.

"Like my situation wasn't" I told him sternly.

"Okay good, you're talking. We'll leave and you guys better have made up by tomorrow" Veronica said as she held onto Fangs arm and pulled him along.

The two of them walked out and I rolled my eyes as I looked to Sweet Pea, standing in the middle of the door frame.

"Go" I warned him.

"You don't want that" he said and I nearly laughed.

"You think you know what I want?" I said.

"Yeah, yeah I do" he said as he walked from the doorframe to the chair opposite me.

"You want me" he said and I laughed.

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